In Turin the pro-Palestine demonstration occupies the Porta Nuova tracks, stopping train circulation

In Turin the pro-Palestine demonstration occupies the Porta Nuova tracks, stopping train circulation
In Turin the pro-Palestine demonstration occupies the Porta Nuova tracks, stopping train circulation

Break-in of the procession pro Palestine in Turin in the train station of New door. The demonstrators, after going through the secondary entrance on via Nizza, occupied platform number 5. Railway traffic was interrupted. The demonstrators, at the culmination of a procession that wound through the historic center, entered the station complex by forcing the gate of a secondary entrance in Via Nizza.

Around 500 people, mainly students, took to the streets today to demand the rights of the Palestinian people. An initially peaceful demonstration, which then led to acts of vandalism. Before arriving at the station, in Corso Matteotti, the demonstrators had daubed a petrol station in the city with pink paint.Eni. The company is considered “complicit in the genocide in Palestine” because it “expropriates and devastates the Palestinian territories of gas in the waters of Gaza”.

A group of hooded men, who emerged from the procession, armed with fire extinguishers filled with red paint, daubed the facade of the bank of Intesa Sanpaolo in via San Francesco d’Assisi. Smoke bombs and torches were lit while the speaker said from the microphone: “The problem of the agreements with the university depends on this bank. The university is public and we fight for this too every day”. In addition to the paint, writings were made accusing the bank of complicity with Israel.

The procession started from Palazzo Nuovo. There are many Palestinian flags and red-green-white smoke bombs. “For four weeks university students have been occupying Palazzo Nuovo to call for an academic boycott against Israeli universities and companies that produce weapons – explain the pro-Palestine university students -. The links between Zionist academic research and innovation in the field of war are explicit which allows the practices of colonization and apartheid in Palestine; as university students we feel the responsibility not to be complicit in the genocide and therefore, not to allow our knowledge to be put at the service of the paradigm of war that is prevailing throughout the world”.

“In the absence of a surrender on the part of the student intifada, the university management found itself forced to grant a public and in-person moment to allow us to present the motion on the termination of the agreements and the setting up of an extraordinary Senate to vote on the proposal – the boys underline -. On 11 and 13 June there will be these two first moments which will certainly mark an important step in the direction of weakening the Zionist entity in all its manifestations here at home too, we will have to be prepared and numerous “, they conclude from the Student Intifada claiming that they are making a concrete contribution “for the liberation of the Palestinian people”.

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