New assignments for priests in the parishes of the diocese of Cuneo-Fossano

New assignments for priests in the parishes of the diocese of Cuneo-Fossano
New assignments for priests in the parishes of the diocese of Cuneo-Fossano

As part of the pastoral project A local church community network, taking into account the establishment of new pastoral units or pastoral collaborations and parish priests who end their service, Bishop Delbosco has assigned the new roles of priests in the parishes which will be effective with the start of the pastoral year 2024-2025.

Parish priests finishing their service
On 30 September 2024, 15 parish priests will end their service. Upon expiry of the mandate, after the nine years foreseen: Don Lorenzo Bernardi, parish priest of Demonte-Trinità di Demonte; Don Silvio Bernardi, parish priest of Roccasparvera-Gaiola; Don Elio Dotto, parish priest of the 2 parishes of Limone; Don Desiderio Gallo, parish priest of Robilante; Don Pietro Giobergia, parish priest of Roata Chiusani-San Biagio; Don Bruno Mondino, parish priest of Boves-Castellar. For waiver accepted: Don Carlo Berrone and Don Pietro Giraudo, parish priests in solidum of Ronchi-San Benigno-Roata Rossi; Don Ezio Bodino, parish priest of Fossano Concattedrale-San Filippo; Don Giuseppe Costamagna, parish priest of the 9 parishes of Valgrana-Montemale-Monterosso Grana-Pradleves-Castelmagno; Don Giorgio Maccario, parish priest of Castelletto Stura-Riforano-Montanera. For transfer: Don Dario Bottero, parish priest of Cuneo San Paolo; Don Fabrizio Della Bella, parish priest of Moiola-Rittana-Valloriate; Don Roberto Mondino, parish priest of Bernezzo-Sant’Anna di Bernezzo; Don Davide Pastore, parish priest of the 2 parishes of Cervere.

New Parish Priests
With effect from 1 October 2024, 13 new parish priests and a parish administrator will be appointed. In the Cuneo City area: Don Carlo Pellegrino, now parish priest of San Rocco Castagnaretta, also takes over the leadership of Cuneo San Paolo. In the Cuneo Oltregesso area: Don Paolo Revello, now parish priest of Madonna delle Grazie-Bombonina-Tetti Pesio, also takes over the leadership of Castelletto Stura-Riforano-Montanera. In the Cuneo Oltrestura area: Don Bruno Mondino, parish priest of Ronchi-San Benigno-Roata Rossi; Don Dino Costanzo, parish priest of Madonna dell’Olmo-San Pio X. In the Valle Colla area: Don Dario Bottero, parish priest of Boves-Castellar. In the Gesso and Vermenagna Valleys area: Don Luca Lanave, now parish priest of Vernante, also takes charge of the 2 parishes of Limone; Don Erik Turco, now parish priest of Roccavione, also takes over the leadership of Robilante. In the Valle Stura area: Don Fabrizio Della Bella, now parish priest of Festiona-Perdioni, also takes over the leadership of Demonte-Trinità di Demonte; Don Gilberto Sarzotti, parish priest of Roccasparvera-Gaiola-Moiola-Rittana-Valloriate. In the Valle Grana area: Don Roberto Mondino, parish priest of the 9 parishes of Valgrana-Montemale-Monterosso Grana-Pradleves-Castelmagno; Don Gabriele Mecca, now parish priest of San Rocco di Bernezzo, also takes on the leadership of Bernezzo-Sant’Anna di Bernezzo. In the Fossano City area: Don Davide Pastore, parish priest of Fossano Concattedrale-San Filippo. In the Fossano South-West area: Don Andrea Ciartano, now parish priest of Centallo-Mellea, also takes over the leadership of Roata Chiusani-San Biagio. In the Fossano North-East area: the 2 vacant parishes of Cervere are entrusted to Don Ezio Bodino, parish administrator.

The new parish priests, who receive the assignment for a fixed term of nine years, will do the profession of faith before the Bishop all together on Tuesday 24 September at 8.45 am in the new Bishopric of Cuneo and they will begin their ministry with a liturgical rite between the end of September and October.

New parish vicars
With effect from 1 October 2024, 3 new parish vicars are appointed who help the parish priests in an organic way, including replacing them. In the Cuneo Oltrestura area: Don Alessio Donna, for the parishes of Ronchi-San Benigno-Roata Rossi and San Pietro del Gallo-Passatore. In the Valle Stura area: Don Franco Biamonte, for the 8 parishes of Vinadio-Aisone-Sambuco-Pietraporzio-Argentera. In the Valle Grana area: Don Roberto Gallo, for the 3 parishes of Bernezzo.

New pastoral collaborators priests
With effect from 1 October 2024, 4 new priestly pastoral collaborators will be appointed to help parish priests in a more sectorial and punctual way. In the Cuneo City area: Don Andrea Adamo, for the parish of Cuneo Sacro Cuore; Don Elio Dotto, for the parishes of Cuneo San Paolo-San Rocco Castagnaretta. In the Cuneo Oltregesso area: Don Giorgio Maccario, for the parishes of Madonna delle Grazie-Bombonina-Tetti Pesio-Castelletto Stura-Riforano-Montanera. In the Valle Grana area: Don Marco Riba, for the 9 parishes of Valgrana-Montemale-Monterosso Grana-Pradleves-Castelmagno.

Emeritus priests with new pastoral roles
With 1 October 2024, 10 emeritus priests who have left their offices, having reached the age limits, will take on new roles in the pastoral areas, helping the parish priests, without full-time commitments. In the Cuneo City area: Don Eraldo Serra, in particular for the parish of Cuneo Immaculate Heart. In the Cuneo Oltregesso area: Don Giovan Michele Gazzola, in particular for the parishes of Borgo San Giuseppe-Roata Canale-Spinetta; Don Pietro Giraudo, in particular for the parishes of Madonna delle Grazie-Bombonina-Tetti Pesio-Castelletto Stura-Riforano-Montanera. In the Cuneo Oltrestura area: Don Giuseppe Costamagna, in particular for the parishes of Madonna dell’Olmo-San Pio X and Confreria; Don Lorenzo Bernardi, in particular for the 6 parishes of Cervasca-Vignolo. In the Valle Colla area: Don Giovanni Rivoira, in particular for the parishes of Boves-Castellar. In the Gesso and Vermenagna Valleys area: Don Carlo Berrone, in particular for the 3 parishes of Vernante-Limone; Don Desiderio Gallo, in particular for the parishes of Roccavione-Robilante. In the Valle Stura area: Don Silvio Bernardi, in particular for the 4 parishes of Demonte and for the parishes of Roccasparvera-Gaiola-Moiola-Rittana-Valloriate. In the Fossano South-West area: Don Pietro Giobergia, in particular for the 4 parishes of Centallo.

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