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MotoGP, VIDEO – Massimo Rivola: “With Jorge Martin Aprilia will have no more excuses”

MotoGP, VIDEO – Massimo Rivola: “With Jorge Martin Aprilia will have no more excuses”
MotoGP, VIDEO – Massimo Rivola: “With Jorge Martin Aprilia will have no more excuses”

Misano is celebrating the Aprilia All Stars and Massimo Rivola, racing CEO of the Noale manufacturer, strolls around the pits satisfied. On the one hand there are the MotoGP bikes, on the other the production bikes, not far away the ‘old glories’. The event was a success and Rivola is enjoying it, even if we can’t help but talk to him about the world championship and this start of 2024

Our bike showed that it is competitive – he claims – Aleix was fast from the first race, then Maverick came out very well, it’s a shame about the gearbox failure on the last lap in Portimao, otherwise he would have 20 points more, but above all another podium. What Vinales did in Austin is what we hoped would happen, also due to the growth we have made with him in recent years. Now we have to maintain this level and it won’t be easy, because Ducati is improving and their riders are pushing each other and then there’s Pedro Acosta, a baby phenomenon to whom we can only congratulate”.

A few weeks ago you said that you would wait on the rider market, but instead you have already signed with Martin. Did you want to play hole cards?
No, we were trying to understand what was happening so we could move quickly accordingly. When we saw that there was some indecision, we moved forward because it was worth it”.

It was a passing of the baton between Espargarò and Martin…
Surely Aleix played an important role and this makes everything even more beautiful because Jorge is his best friend and he brought him to the place where he thinks he will be fine. For me this is the best compliment he could give me”.

Taking on a rider like Martin is a sign that from next year you will have to aim for the title.
There are no more excuses, that’s what we said to ourselves in the company: the good news is that Jorge is arriving, I hope alongside Maverick because they would make a stellar couple, the bad news is that we will no longer have any excuses. The pressure must increase because our growth path must lead us to fight for victory. This year we are not far away, we need one last step”.

It is not known if Vinales will stay, is the dream of an Italian rider in Aprilia still achievable?
We are always consistent and correct towards our pilots, Maverick is our priority, but weddings come in twos and we won’t force your hand. If, as I hope, he wants to stay with us we will be happy, otherwise we will move on the market. An Italian would be a possibilitybut we will also have to see if Oliveira will make that last leap that he is still missing.”.

Marquez in the official Ducati team: what do you think?
To date he is one of the best riders in history on what is the best bike: I would say we will look from 2nd place down. If I thought so, though, we could stay home. So we will go with the knife between our teeth having an extra stimulus”.

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