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after three years “walled” in the house they can finally reopen the windows

Around 10 this morning the residents of the building at the intersection of Corso Regio Parco 24 and Via Pisa finally saw the light. Started the removal of the construction site who held some of the building’s tenants prisoner. On the entrance door there is a sign that talks about “extraordinary maintenance of the roof” and the start of work scheduled for 2June 4th.
The operations, however, began on Monday morning without the residents’ knowledge.

A small group gathered right under the construction site: «They are finally removing it, but nobody has told us anything – they say – for goodness sake it is a good news but there are cars parked down here, perhaps more communication was needed.”

The legal dispute with the company

It all starts at the end of the summer of 2021 when the New Energy work begins. After a few months, however, the workers disappear and everything stops. At the crossroads between via Pisa and via Messina there are construction site residues, some rubble and a sign: «Work starts 1/9/2021. Duration 120 days”. Something, however, didn’t work and in January 2022 the company disappears and the works come to a halt.

One starts from there long legal disputestill ongoing: residents have reported the contractor and the former administrator. The latter has done the same against New Energy.
At the center of the story there are some points to clarify: the condominium assembly had approved 385 thousand euros of work in July 2021, 90% would have been covered by the Facade Bonus (as stated in the sign still hanging on the scaffolding). In 2022, however, the residents discovered that the condominium administrator had signed a contract with New Energy for over 2 million as part of the 110% bonus.

«It’s the condominiums’ fault»

For its part, the contracting company, contacted by Corriere Torino two months ago, had rejected all the accusations placing the blame on the residents.
«The condominium – we read in a note from April 2024 from New Energy – was not able to enjoy the tax incentives that allowed it to reduce the facade renovation costs. Therefore the company blocked the works due to non-compliance on the part of the condominium/administrator”.

The ordinance

It is not yet clear how the story will end but the removal of the construction site comes precisely thanks to an order from the judge of the Court of Turin, Luisa Vigonewhich three months ago, after an appeal by the condominiums, had ordered the “immediate removal” precisely to protect the residents. From today, therefore, the tenants of the houses can once again see the light and open the windows.

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