Cattle on the tracks and trains stopped in the Crotone area, custodian reported

Cattle on the tracks and trains stopped in the Crotone area, custodian reported
Cattle on the tracks and trains stopped in the Crotone area, custodian reported

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the case

The railway police identified the animal’s keeper and referred him to the judicial authorities

Published on: 08/06/2024 – 13:50

CROTONE He had let a cattle he owned roam freely on the tracks to the point of causing the interruption of railway traffic: for this reason, a 55-year-old from Strongoli, in the Crotone area, was reported and sanctioned by officers of the Crotone railway police for violating the law which prohibits the grazing of unattended livestock near the railway line. The cattle, in particular, wandered along the route that connects Metaponto to Reggio Calabria between stones 222 and 223 in Bucchi, in the municipality of Crotone, causing traffic to be interrupted for over an hour. The railway police, following a rapid investigation, identified the animal’s keeper and referred him to the judicial authorities.


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