«Andrea Favero was not resigned to the end of the story»

«Andrea Favero was not resigned to the end of the story»
«Andrea Favero was not resigned to the end of the story»

PADUA – Andrea Favero he had it recorded the night he was stopped, twenty-four hours after having thrown – according to the prosecutor’s office – his girlfriend Giada Zanola, 33 years old, from the Vigonza overpass which passes over theA4: «We had been living at home separately since the beginning of March. I had accepted anything because my only thought was my son.” But in the reconstruction of the femicide and in the search for the motive, what emerges from the testimonies of friends, relatives and acquaintances of the couple does not tally with that statement.
Andrea Favero, 38 years old, a truck driver, had not resigned himself to the end of his relationship with Giada and – according to what was gathered by the investigators – he continued to have control over her, doing everything he could to keep her close to him. He was frightened by the hypothesis, now almost a reality, that she would interrupt their cohabitation after having already ruined the wedding scheduled for September 21st. And he was obsessed by Giada’s threat not to let him see her little son again.

From the statements that emerged in this second round of testimonies, the motive for the femicide becomes even clearer: the failure to accept the end of the relationship.
With the alleged murderer in cell since 2.05am on May 30th, the investigations now mark a necessary slowdown to wait for the toxicological tests to be deposited on the body of the 33-year-old mother (decisive to understand if Giada had really been drugged by her partner, as she feared) and of the report on Andrea Favero’s cell phone. In that smartphone seized on the night between 29 and 30 May, the deputy prosecutor Giorgio Falcone searches for messages, images and internet browsing that can confirm the prosecution’s theory. Interesting material in this sense was seized at the beginning of the week when the Mobile and Forensic agents returned to the couple’s home, in via Prati 8, sifting through the house and the family Ford C-Max, the car that Favero says that at 3.30am on May 29th he followed his partner onto the A4 overpass from where she was then grabbed by the knees and thrown down, as the 38-year-old admitted to the police. Statements which, however, are unusable as they were not repeated before the prosecutor and in the presence of the lawyer.

This is also why the house ended up under seizure, to prevent anything from being compromised once the consultancy arrives and – the prosecutor confides – also new investigative ideas. Among all the location of the mother’s phone, whose last signal arrived half an hour after the events (at 4am on May 29th) connecting to the same cell phone that embraces the house and the overpass. Police experts are trying to geolocate him, after having searched the area from Giada and Favero’s house to the overpass where the tragedy occurred, but without obtaining any results. Not even the woman’s purse was found, while the documents were found immediately. It’s impossible that Giada had them in her pocket: when she flew from the overpass she was wearing leggings, a t-shirt and a sweatshirt without pockets.

This is Favero’s statement «I remember that (on May 29, ed.) we were at home… but then we started arguing and Giada walked away towards the overpass which is about a kilometer from home. I took the car and followed her, reaching her after a few meters and making her get in to take her home. We kept arguing, she yelled at me as she often did recently, saying that she would take the baby away from me. At that point I remember we got out of the car. I don’t remember if we went up on the step of the railing that overlooks the highway.”

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