Forza Italia Lamezia Terme Board invites all citizens to express their preference, without giving up democracy and the right to participate in shaping their future

Lamezia Terme, 7 June 2024 – The great participation of citizens who in these days of the electoral campaign has seen numerous participation in the squares and theaters of our cities demonstrates that there is great interest and attention for the Forza Italia party which comes very appreciated. Moderate and centre-right party, part of the large European parliamentary group within the EPP which is the largest group in Europe. Today Forza Italia in Calabria boasts capable and concrete administrators who in recent years have been governing the Region, the Provinces and the Municipalities, with extraordinary results and good practices, where even from outside the Region they look at Calabria as a model to follow and export to the others regions. President Roberto Occhiuto with vice president Giusi Princi, candidate for the European Parliament, conducted an impeccable electoral campaign that will certainly project Forza Italia among the most voted parties. As the board of Forza Italia Lamezia we want to appeal to the common sense of every citizen, inviting them to go and vote, because in addition to being a right it is above all a duty for each of us. Free and democratic participation in voting must be an essential choice for everyone if we want to continue to safeguard the values ​​of equality, freedom, democracy and pluralism. Let’s not let others decide for us too, let’s not let a minority decide our future. We do not give up expressing our preference, in the awareness that the moderate, pro-European, liberal parties that represent the center area are and will always be for peace, for freedom and for democracy. On 8-9 June we are going to vote, choose Forza Italia, choose the Europe of tomorrow.

Forza Italia Lamezia Terme Board of Directors

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