Baby gang attacking a car with kicks and punches in Milan, the video of the fight at the Colonne di San Lorenzo

Baby gang attacking a car with kicks and punches in Milan, the video of the fight at the Colonne di San Lorenzo
Baby gang attacking a car with kicks and punches in Milan, the video of the fight at the Colonne di San Lorenzo

Crazy night in the center of Milan. In the area of Columns of San Lorenzothat of the nightlife of the very young, acar with a German engaged couple on board ended up victim of theassault of a group of kids. There baby gang he kicked and punched the car, leading it to collide with other parked vehicles. The viral video on social media.

Car attack in the center of Milan

It started circulating on social media, shared by the photographer Giulia Copercinithe video of a dangerous fight in the center of Milan.

The scene shows a Mini Cooper model car intent on leaving the parking lot, as it comes attacked by a group of about ten boys who, according to the images, appear to be very young.

The Columns of San Lorenzo in Milan

As the car drives, the young men strike windows and bodywork with kicks and punchescausing it to skid and finally crash into other parked cars.

During the impact one of the car’s tires exploded and the outdoor area of ​​a room overlooking the street was damaged.

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The action is repeated numerous times, with the Mini stopping and starting again, running over and dragging on the hood some of the attackers for a few meters.

The crazy fight happened around 1.30 am via San Vitoin the central area of ​​the Colonne di San Lorenzo.

5 injured in the Colonne di San Lorenzo baby gang

Alerted by residents of the area and by passers-by present, they intervened on site five ambulances and a medical car.

The budget is seven victims: a 16-year-old and a 24-year-old were hospitalized in yellow code at the Polyclinic, a 19-year-old and another boy in green at Fatebenefratelli and a 23-year-old girl at Gaetano Pini.

Both a man and his girlfriend were in the car 30 year olds, German tourists. They were also hospitalized for injuries sustained following the attack which occurred before boarding.

The driver, stopped by a police patrol a few kilometers ahead, is found investigated for driving while intoxicated after testing positive for alcohol.

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The investigators have started investigations to reconstruct the dynamics of what happened and understand the reasons for the attack on the tourist couple.

Photo source: ANSA

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