Modena, the Sigonio high school mourns Adele Baldasarre by playing her music Gazzetta di Modena

Modena, the Sigonio high school mourns Adele Baldasarre by playing her music Gazzetta di Modena
Modena, the Sigonio high school mourns Adele Baldasarre by playing her music Gazzetta di Modena

MODENA. «Adele would have liked it very much: she wanted an audience and you were a wonderful audience». She is certain of it vice-principal Elisabetta Piccinini. All classes of Sigonio high school Of Modena they remembered yesterday morning in the courtyard Adele Baldasarre, a 16-year-old student who died in her sleep on the night between Tuesday 4 and Wednesday 5 May.

Adele attended the third M (the music section) and dreamed of becoming a singer-songwriter. At fifteen she composed her first song, “Marilù”, a song against violence against women.

«Sweet words are not enough to forget the past that destroyed you», a passage from Adele’s song echoed in the school courtyard between first and second period. Discovering the protagonist’s strength within herself is a feat for everyone.

«You can find the song on YouTube: if you listen to it, you will give her a gift», adds Piccinini, who was Adele’s teacher, as well as being a collaborator of the principal Cristina Mirabella.

Dozens of people commented on the young woman’s YouTube page, offering condolences to her family. The music section collected her emotions live, transferring them into cards to be delivered to her parents.

«The kids from the musical high school remembered Adele by reading at the music center – began Piccinini – They shared emotions and thoughts, crying together. Pain is faced together, as a community.”
The teacher explained the choice not to let the balloons fly upwards, towards that sky pointed by dozens of faces in a whirlwind of black and green hues, the young girl’s favorite colours. The posters with photos and thoughts dedicated to her were also green. «Adele was a nature lover – explained Piccinini – she was respectful of the environment and very attentive. Plastic doesn’t end well.”

The young woman was passionate about Last and the notes of Adele’s favorite singer resonated in her memory. The student would have listened to him live in concert in June, after school. “He couldn’t wait,” added the teacher.

The students thus whispered the notes of “Little Star”, hugging each other and repeating “I promise to stay by your side forever”.

The song “Sogni appesi” then left room for “22 September”.

“This moment of sharing doesn’t give us a sense of what happened, but it makes us feel less alone,” Piccinini said again.

Three o’clock Ultimo songs they were followed by a moment of silence, interrupted by the first long applause. A second vibrant clap of hands erupted when the five musical classes left in procession, returning to the classrooms.

The students of the other sections did the same, marching in silence guided by collaborators and teachers. The sixteen-year-old was part of the school’s specialist choir, with which she performed on Monday evening at the Teatro Comunale with “Harmonies of the twentieth century: a symphonic journey”. As a pianist she won the national “Scuole in musica” competition in Verona, winning first place in the three-year soloists category.

To the family members, who live in Scandian, the notes written by the daughter’s companions will be delivered. The funeral remains to be scheduled.


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