«we respond to the inaugural dinner at the castle with the dinner of the poor in Piazza Vittoria»

«we respond to the inaugural dinner at the castle with the dinner of the poor in Piazza Vittoria»
«we respond to the inaugural dinner at the castle with the dinner of the poor in Piazza Vittoria»

BRINDISI – «The representatives of the G7 in Brindisi on the occasion of the inaugural dinner in the Svevo castle on Thursday 13 June are not welcome guests, and the No G7 coordination table will contrast the “dinner of the poor” to the dinner of those who starve the world with wars and climate change “, the same evening in Piazza Vittoria, at 6 pm”.

This is what we read in a note from the coordination. The dinner, which will be based on frize and couscous, to the tune of pizzica, will be preceded by a procession which will be repeated in Fasano two days later, on 15 June.

During the three days of the G7 in Fasano, the NoG7 coordination table has scheduled meetings and discussions on the topics that will be discussed in Borgo Egnazia where the heads of state will meet. We will talk about «wars and their use to reaffirm the economic superiority of the USA with the support of NATO – the organizers claim – the fake fight against climate change, the fight against the poor by raising walls everywhere and a diet increasingly based on chemicals and genetically modified organisms”.

“In the face of all this – they conclude – we cannot understand the enthusiasm of local administrations on the possibility of welcoming events that in one way or another bring misfortune for the entire planet”.

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