sanitisation and washing of sewerage networks, the second deblattisation cycle is underway

sanitisation and washing of sewerage networks, the second deblattisation cycle is underway
sanitisation and washing of sewerage networks, the second deblattisation cycle is underway

As part of the management of the Integrated Water Service, the Aqueduct Pugliese also carries out control, cleaning and sanitization interventions on the sewerage networks within the inhabited areas. In this regard, the Environment Sector of the Municipality of Andria informs citizens that the planned interventions for sanitizing and washing sewerage networks have started in recent days.

In particular, the Aqueduct Pugliese will carry out sanitisation activities relating to the second cycle of treatments on the black and mixed sewerage networks until 06/27/2024. This is the second cycle of deblattization. Attached is a list of the areas of the city involved in the sanitization interventions.

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