now the final chapter can really be written in Valmaura

And now try to remove from the minds of anyone who supports the red and white colors that that dream-promotion, so far away just a few months ago, is now really a stone’s throw away from being achieved. With all the superstition of the case – combined with all the possible and unimaginable spells – one can take the small risk of stating that now the Trieste Basketball has much more than a hand also on the final series against Cantu.

There’s still one point missingthe decisive one, which can be won on two separate occasions at home, but it is clear that the veins of the Julian fans are already boiling as they look at the Monday 10 June. One that could bring joy as great as the attributes displayed by the team Jamie Christian in race 2. Much, much more difficult than 48 hours earlier (and it was natural that it was), but last night’s match in Desio is a “W” which for many different reasons inevitably directs the inertia of the series against Cantù into red and white hands. A real… “freak of nature”, after what we have seen for almost an entire championship.

A whole team on a missiontogether to its own people rushed to the away match again to clock up the kilometers and brilliantly overcome yet another obstacle post-season so far immaculateAlmost miraculous in the ways in which Trieste is leading it from match to match without missing a beat. It’s true: with a Justin Reyes so, from 32 points and 37 rating, everything becomes easier. But conveying all the merits of an extremely important victory for the entire Julian season to a single player would be a partly incorrect exercise. Because on the evening in which theS. Bernardo water if they play it much more than in game 1, with the Brianza guns (Moraschini above all) awakening after the “torpor” of the first forty minutes, Trieste wins it again with the strength of the collective. The one capable of pulling down 43 rebounds, of which 16 in attack, with a +12 compared to Cantù. The one from the field shoots better than his opponents. The one above all who sacrifices himself in defense (see Ruzzier’s dive on the baseline for a further extra possession) and who always knows how to sink the knife into the wound in the minutes that count (see Candussi’s triple from the bracket, complete with … brush of moustache). The red and whites are no longer a surprise in these playoffs, being just one win away from “that-thing-that-you-know-and-that-we-don’t-name” it is only the clear and clear consequence of the already vaunted evolution – technical, tactical and mental – of a team that strongly believes in big game.

The most glaring mistake to make? Naturally, resting on our laurels and taking it for granted that the third consecutive post-season “coat” will arrive without Cantù trying to play for it again, perhaps with the simple force of desperation. But the goal is there, tremendously close, extraordinarily within reach. The last step is missingPallacanestro Trieste can do it in its “basin”. Valmaura, in front of an audience that is already impatiently counting the hours remaining until Monday night’s ball. But, as the good ones say, the expectation of pleasure is pleasure itself. So let’s dive into the ticking of our clocks: for this team, which has been able to rise from its own ashes, it is certainly worth it.

(credits ph. Pallacanestro Trieste)

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