Paolo Signorelli, spokesperson for Minister Lollobrigida, and the case of the anti-Semitic chat with «Diabolik»: «Romanists are all Jews»

A request for immediate resignation has already been made by several parties – among the first to intervene is Marta Bonafoni, coordinator of the national secretariat of the Democratic Party and responsible for the Third Sector and associations – after the disclosure of the anti-Semitic phrases and praise of black terrorists contained in a chat between Fabrizio Piscitelli, known as Diabolik, and Paolo Signorelli, current spokesperson for the Minister of Agriculture Francesco Lollobrigida (FdI). The news was reported on Thursday morning by Repubblica, and the chats are taken from the forensic copy of Piscitelli’s mobile phone, as part of the investigation into the murder of the ultra leader, right-wing extremist and drug trafficker murdered in Rome in August 2019.

Conversations from 2018

The conversation covers a period of time between mid-December 2018 and a few days before Piscitelli’s death. The two had met in the Lazio fan community. “It’s not our fault if the Romanists are Jews,” Diabolik notes in a vowel. “All Jews,” replies Signorelli. And again: «Death… them and the Jews». The journalist Gad Lerner is at the center of another conversation: «That Jew Gad Lerner…», writes Piscitelli. And Signorelli: «What did that pig say?». Then there is a passage that concerns Elvis Demce, considered among the most dangerous criminals in the capital, who in December 2018 was acquitted of the murder charge. Lollobrigida’s spokesperson writes to Diabolik: «But did they acquit Elvis? Fantastic dajee.”

Signorelli’s grandfather among the founders of Ordine Nuovo

Other passages instead concern black ideology: Signorelli’s grandfather, his namesake, was among the founders of Ordine Nuovo. «Honor to them» writes the minister’s spokesperson speaking of Valerio Fioravanti, Pierluigi Concutelli, Luigi Ciavardini and Mario Tuti. There is also the story of a “pagan” marriage: Diabolik explains to the other, again according to Repubblica, that “fascists and Nazis are pagans”. «Are you telling me? I celebrate the solstice, long live paganism” replies Signorelli. And Piscitelli: «Hurray, we have to push him». «Grandfather – continues Lollobrigida’s spokesperson – was a convinced pagan. My aunt got married two months ago with a pagan rite. Beautiful. All poems and various rites, incense, magic circles, fire aimed at the sun. It was nice. On the top of Mount Soratte (the mountain where Mussolini built his bunker, ed) we all went there. Ciavarda was also there (the former Nar Ciavardini, ed) had fun, even though he is very Catholic.” «I would burn their churches», comments Piscitelli. «The priests, the worst» concludes Signorelli.

The reactions of the Democratic Party: «Resign immediately»

“Shamefully delusional phrases and words” they contest Walter Verini and Cecilia D’Elia, senators of the Democratic Party, who ask for Signorelli’s resignation from his government position. «There must be a limit to neo-fascist and anti-Semitic delusions – they urge – also and above all for ministers and collaborators of the Meloni government. A shocking conversation, with entanglements of black extremism and organized crime. There are no words, only actions to be performed, due to absolute incompatibility with the values ​​contained in the Charter and those of civil and democratic coexistence” they conclude. “You can’t stay in his place one minute longer,” he also thunders Sandro Ruotolo, Head of Information and Culture of the Democratic Party. The Democratic senator joins Michele Fina: «Minister Lollobrigida’s spokesperson, Paolo Signorelli, must resign, there is no doubt about this». «An episode that should result in the spokesperson of Giorgia Meloni’s most loyal minister stepping back. Does Lollobrigida really have nothing to say?” he asks Enza Rando, Head of Legality of the national secretariat of the Democratic Party. «Solidarity with Gad Lerner and the Jewish community Italian for the anti-Semitic phrases uttered by the spokesperson of an Italian government minister” is expressed by Giuseppe Provenzano, Head of Foreign Affairs in the national secretariat of the Democratic Party.

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