Reggio Emilia, a concert for the patients of the Core Gazzetta di Reggio

Reggio Emilia, a concert for the patients of the Core Gazzetta di Reggio
Reggio Emilia, a concert for the patients of the Core Gazzetta di Reggio

Reggio Emilia “The nature it is harmony. Those who know it well know it. Those who know the golden ratio, botany, those who have studied science, the arts, mathematics, fractals know it well. Here, those who find themselves living in hospital, unfortunately, on the contrary, live a disharmony of the person that translates into physical discomfort, probably also emotional, and, in some cases, psychological. So bringing harmony back to those who are living all this is our first intent. We deal with art, through music, theater and cinema, and that is why we choose to offer this concert-show of narration at the Core today, intending to bring harmony back to those who live the disharmony of a hospitalization, moreover, unfortunately, far from Nature.

These are the passionate words of Andrea Gherpelli who on Monday afternoon, at 5pm, will be the protagonist, with the quartet of the Orchestra Dedicata and Daniele Ruzza (solo violin), of the concert/show for “Music donors”, the review, organized in collaboration with the Casa Musicale del Rio.

The event offers concerts held for the patients of the Corethe oncology facility of the Santa Maria hospital.

Andrea Gherpelli will be the narrator who will dialogue with Vivaldi for a narrated concert: his are the texts that will alternate with the music.

The narration concerns his work as, for years, he has reconciled his film career and as a fiction interpreter with his activity as a farmer, which he conducts with profound passion.

He started cultivating the ancient cereals that he recovered, giving them special treatment, but above all he talks about them with extraordinary passion.

They are at the center of a story that Gherpelli has created for the occasion, with the aim of bringing a positive message and relief to patients. «This event of storytelling and music, does not want to be just a recreational moment of entertainment, but I would go so far as to say that it is committed to being therapeutic for everyone – continues the actor–. That is why it is organized by the “music donors” because, first of all, it wants to donate the harmony that spreads live through sounds and emotions linked to music and words. That harmony that will be released, first of all, by being together accompanied by the lyrics that I wrote down listening to the notes of Vivaldi; words that are the result of the effect of those notes on me while working in the fields».

«Our intent, mine and Daniele Ruzza’s with the Dedicated Orchestra, is to alleviate at least a little the discomfort, the disharmony, lightening and regenerating the soul – he explains -. To “dialogue” with Vivaldi, I first of all listened to him in his musical version of nature, inserting my vision of nature and thus uniting all the emotions. And if on the one hand his great genius transformed nature into music, I, in turn, try in my simple instinct to integrate the emotions that nature sends me with which I am in contact every day. I can say that listening has regenerated my fatigue and regenerating means re-bringing harmony! ».

Together with Gherpelli and Daniele Ruzza solo violin, the quartet ofDedicated Orchestra formed by Alessandro Cannizzaro and Claudia Piccinini violins, Carmen Condur viola and Diana Cahanescu cello. The concert is intended for patients, the public is admitted until all available seats are filled.

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