Di Toro-property meeting. Attack, it will be revolution – Telesveva Notizie

Di Toro-property meeting. Attack, it will be revolution – Telesveva Notizie
Di Toro-property meeting. Attack, it will be revolution – Telesveva Notizie

The quiet before entering the heart of the 2024/25 season and never stopping again. These are days of programming at Audace Cerignola. In the next few hours, a meeting between sporting director Elio Di Toro and president Nicola Grieco will effectively establish the starting point for an intense summer, on and off the pitch. The current weeks in fact coincide with the tenth year of the Grieco family at the top of the club, a milestone as symbolic as it is concrete: starting from the First Category, the yellow-blues have made a rapid climb up to professional football, establishing themselves in the last two seasons as a of reference in the southern panorama.

The weekend will instead be a useful time to plan the next steps on a technical level with Giuseppe Raffaele, coach who in nine games between regular season and playoffs has gained trust for the next sporting year. He and Di Toro will be the ones to evaluate a team that features four players at the end of their contract – Krapikas, Trezza, Bianco and Allegrini – and another four at the end of their loan – Barosi, Rizzo, Ghisolfi and Lombardi. At the farewell stage are the two center forwards in the squad last season: Giancarlo Malcore has a market in C (Trapani and Monopoli above all) and in D and Dardan Vuthaj himself, despite a turnover of four goals and two assists in the second half of season since his arrival at the Audace, is destined for goodbyes. His contract expires on June 30th and is unlikely to be renewed.

The re-foundation could also involve Pippo D’Andrea, taken from Cerignola two years ago on a free transfer and now sought in Serie B after his 16 goals last season. However, Vito Leonetti’s stay is possible, as he intends to put aside an unlucky year conditioned by injuries. Many names on the table, with choices to be made in a not too long time to present themselves in an edition closer to the complete starting line of the summer training camp. Which should not take place in Abruzzo, as happened last year. Two destinations are currently on the ballot: Cascia in Umbria or the (almost) zero kilometer solution which corresponds to the name of San Giovanni Rotondo.

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