Nino Perrone: In the wind of painting at Galleria Vittoria. Rome 19 June-06 July

Nino Perrone presents his new solo show “Nel vento della Pittura” at the Galleria Vittoria in Via Margutta 103, from Wednesday 19 June at 6.00 pm and until 6 July 2024. This event closes the exhibition cycle of the 2023-2024 season of Galleria Vittoria. The exhibition, curated by Lorenzo Canova, who also wrote the critical text, presents around 10 works by Nino Perrone and will be accompanied by a catalogue, specially published by Officine Vittoria.

Nino Perrone, an artist of great sensitivity and talent, invites us to explore a universe of colors and shapes that hover in space. As the artist himself states: “Observing, watching, imagining… nature calls my attention everywhere, in every form, in the myriads of color combinations that offer themselves to my sight like an unexpected spectacle. After long years of figurative art and studies on techniques, I felt the need to enhance the detail, the sensations, the emotions.”

Perrone’s artistic path is characterized by continuous internal research, where people become characters full of emotion. Through their looks and clothes, the artist creates new shapes and volumes, expressing notes of color that generate contrasts, tones and fusions.
Nino Perrone talks about his artistic evolution from figurative to abstract, explaining how color became the protagonist of his works:

“The color takes over the drawing and becomes vibrant, energetic. Color upon colour, where one becomes complementary to the other, magnifying its external appearance. Matter is destroyed, it dies; on the contrary, the energy hurls itself into space, giving rise to new sources of light.” The artist uses mixed techniques on canvases prepared with stucco, plaster and glue, enjoying the pleasure of brushstrokes and spatula strokes. His works capture the essence of light and shadow, creating abstract compositions that celebrate the beauty and energy of nature.

“Here lies my research, to see beyond and pleasantly paint these new forms that hover in space in a new dimension. I paint on canvases prepared by me with stucco, plaster and glue, enjoying the pleasure of the brushstroke and the spatula stroke. I create colors; shadows become prisoners of the light; everything glitters, everything shines, everything becomes lively and sparkling.” The exhibition “In the wind of painting” by Nino Perrone offers the public a journey through art that explores the harmony of colors and shapes, uniting figurative and abstract in a visual symphony that captures and inspires.

In the wind of painting text by Lorenzo Canova

In the whirlwinds of chaos

Starting from the works of the 2000s and up to the most recent ones, Perrone has therefore consistently developed his attention to nature, in a metaphorical dimension linked to the demands of an ecological vision. The paintings of this last phase are in fact conceived and developed almost as a denunciation or as a poetic reflection on a planet increasingly devastated by the action of man, on a “rebellion” of natural forces in the face of the injuries inflicted by the exploitation of ecosystems due to a dull hunger for profit.

However, Perrone does not express his thoughts through a conceptual work, but relies on the archetypal ability of painting to give shape to unspeakable things, to find meaning in the world with expressive tools that words cannot have.

Thus, for example, while the works of 2019 were still based on a more serene and orderly structural composure, a work of 2020 like Maroso 2 suggests a new perception of disturbance, a dramatic revelation of energies hidden in the vortices traced by the force lines in which the brushstrokes almost become magnetic fields, pulsations of matter that shake the painting like the waves of a mysterious chromatic dust.

Furthermore, the Maroso has lost many of its “naturalistic” references to transform itself into a sort of symbolic figure, into an abstract structure but, at the same time, full of allusions, strengthened by the impetuous chromaticism that sets the pictorial material on fire and which intensely restores the violence of a nature that erases everything in its unstoppable reaction. This painting therefore opens up to the works of 2024 such as Flusso ondoso, Percezione impetuosa or Mare tumultuouso where Perrone develops his discourse on an abstraction capable of communicating states of mind and, in particular, a feeling of restlessness increased by the happy quality of coloristic passages.

In the swirls of brushstrokes as dense as pieces of brilliant stone, dark chasms open up and new waves of light rise, signs and fragments overlap that shine like flames in the darkness, sparks that stand out against the black space like burning signals in the darkness.

In this way the painter is confronted with the boundaries of chaos, with the danger of cancellation, risking the total loss of the compositional form in the deluge of color that descends on the support like a hurricane.

However, a moment before the end, Perrone manages to give a new strength to his expressive dynamism, to rediscover a secret constructive measure, not to lose the coordinates of his design architecture, opening up to a possible hope thanks to the happy combinations of his work, to the radiant pulsations that give a new order to the disorder of the world, to the serenity hidden in the folds of its storms, among the abstract blooms that open in the luminous wind of his painting.

Short bio Nino Perrone

Nino Perrone was born in Bari, where he works in his studio in Piazza Chiurlia 4. Graduated from the Bari State Art Institute, he has won numerous awards and participated in various exhibitions. He has exhibited in galleries such as Michelangelo in Bari, Le Muse in Bari, d’Arte Moderna Alba in Ferrara, Nuova Vernice Bari, and Bonan Studio D’Arte Due in Venice.

In 1984 and 1986 he won national painting competitions organized by Giorgio Mondadori, exhibiting in the “Rizzardi” galleries in Milan and “Il Parametro” in Rome. You have participated in important group exhibitions, including Expo Arte in Bari and Arte in Regione in the Apulian castles.

Recently, he collaborated with the Engravers association of Rome and exhibited in several international group exhibitions such as “Spoleto Arte” and “La Grande Exposition Universelle” in Paris. You have participated in exhibitions such as the Palermo International Biennale, the Sulmona Prize, and the Venice Biennale.

In 2021 he exhibited at the Galleria Vittoria in Rome with the solo exhibition “ICONIC ANICONISM” and participated in the collective exhibitions “MASCHERINE DELLA VITTORIA”, “ZONA RED”, and “IMMERSIONI” organized by the same gallery. He continues to be active on the international artistic scene with participation in exhibitions in Cannes, Novara, Venice, Treviso, and Rome. Publications featuring works by him are expected to launch in 2024, including the volume “Interventions and Erratic Explorations on Art” and the Atlas of Contemporary Art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

Press release

In the wind of Nino Perrone’s painting. Galleria Vittoria, Via Margutta 103 in Rome

From 19 June – 06 July 2024

Hours Monday-Friday from 3.00pm to 7.00pm, mornings and Saturdays by appointment only

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