the hospitals of Garbagnate, Bollate and Rho were affected. «Surgeries and exams postponed»

Hacker attack on Asst Rhodense. The hospitals of Garbagnate, Bollate and Rho they were forced to postpone non-urgent surgeries and other health benefits due to the computer systems in disarray. Also involved the facilities of Passirana, the community houses and the clinics connected to the hospitals, the Rsa Pertini. «We have had problems since last night (Wednesday night, ed) and we are taking action as is done in these cases, also through the regional task force to restore everything as soon as possible – the general director of the Asst explains to Adnkronos Salute Marco Bosio -. We are guaranteeing essential emergency services in paper mode because the information systems are not available, They are blocked».

«The emergency room is working – continues Bosio -. At this moment we have invited Areu”, the regional emergency emergency agency, “to send ambulances to other facilities because, being in provisional mode, we can guarantee emergencies, but not the normal influx. We manage the people who introduce themselves.”

As for surgical interventions, the director continues, «urgent ones are guaranteed, ordinary scheduled ones are temporarily suspended. While we are carrying out the outpatient activity that can be carried out. People who show up for a scheduled visit are given the visit. The professionals are there and work with the paper report and we are ensuring what we can do.”

The Asst reports that «currently it is not possible to estimate recovery times of the company network”. In each facility, “a user reception service has been organised, in order to inform them and take care of any requests. AND the provision of outpatient services already scheduled is guaranteed, except those of nuclear medicine (e.g. Moc), of radiology (CT scan, MRIs, x-rays and mammograms) e laboratory analysis (including blood tests)”.

However, «activities relating to non-urgent surgical interventions and those of booking at the Cup, scheduled hospitalization and sampling points are suspended. Tao patients, i.e. on oral anticoagulant therapy, “can contact the reception at the hospitals in Bollate, Garbagnate and Rho for information on how to carry out the tests necessary for managing the therapy”.

The Region has Aria involved, activated the regional Cyber ​​Security Task Force e alerted the National Cybersecurity Agency, which will send its team to facilitate the restoration of the IT systems. There Milan postal policesupported by the Cybercrime Center for the protection of critical infrastructures of the postal police service and for cyber security, is collecting the information useful for reconstructing the dynamics of the attack.

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