Domenico Marocchi and the slip of the landing in Lombardy

Update at 6.45pm – The list of one-way slips continues. With Luca Rigoni’s mistake on today’s Tg4, the “landing in Lombardy” counter reaches four.

Gaffe lands in Lombardy, Studio Aperto and Tg La7 also make mistakes

Domenico Marocchi’s gaffe a One morning summer on landing in Normandy mistakenly changed to “Lombardy” it did not remain isolated. Two other leading journalists fell into the same trap, Monica Gasperini of Studio Aperto e Bianca Caterina Bizzarri of Tg La7.

In order, Gasperini in the 12.25pm ​​edition of the Italia 1 news: “Today we celebrate D-Day, the 80th anniversary of the Allied landing in Lombardy“. Behind him, the Mediaset correspondent from London Federico Gatti, ready to pick up the line, is almost surprised when the presenter and journalist’s mistake comes through his headphones.

Bizzarri instead tries to correct the running shot: “The celebrations for the 80th anniversary of the landing in Lombardi…er… Normandy“, but now there is no turning back. The fat is in the fire.

Three gaffes in a few hours, the day is still long. Next one?

Domenico Marocchi and the gaffe of landing in ‘Lombardy’: the slip goes viral (VIDEO)

Lapsus to smile what this morning Domenico Marocchi he gave during one of his speeches to One morning summer in today’s episode, June 6, 2024.

The journalist and correspondent talking about the celebrations for the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings (6 June 1944 is the historical date linked to the event in which approximately 156 thousand men of the allied troops landed on five beaches of Normandy, a fact which marked the beginning of the reconquest of continental Europe by the Allied troops at the expense of Nazi Germany), committed a gaffe which in a short time has already reached hundreds of thousands of views around the web.

156 men landed in Lombardy” says Marocchi, accidentally substituting the name of the French region for the Italian one.

An innocent slip of the tongue justified by the similar sound of the two words “Normandy – Lombardy” which however can count on immediate rounds of the web with jokes: “The Milan seaplane base is in fact a direct outlet onto the Atlantic Ocean” writes @RassegnataS, “Como beach is the sector chosen by the allies for the advance” continues @Tiugnau and again “They landed in Orio al Serio“.

Marocchi: “Small gaffe, all kinds of jokes arrive”

Even Alessandro Greco (here is his interview on TvBlog) laughs at it. Handing the line back to Marocchi for the next intervention, he jokingly asks the journalist “I wanted to know how to proceed with the landing in Lombardy“. With social media already full of the clip-gaffe, what does Marocchi do? He takes the ball and builds on it a moment dedicated almost exclusively to what was generated by the web due to his mistake:

As today’s young people say, we have fed. There was a little gaffea small slip of the tongue ‘dear Mrs. Longari’ (cit.) and therefore, instead of landing in Normandy, Lombardy was left. All kinds of jokes arrive“.

The clip was taken up by two of the most clicked pages of the moment, Prossimi Congiunti and Il grande Scourge, reaching almost 100 thousand views.

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