Record birth: Flavia, 63 years old, gives birth in Viareggio

June 6, 2024 –

On 3 June 2024, a premature baby was born at the Versilia hospital in Lido di Camaiore (Lucca). a 63 year old woman, Flavia, who thus becomes the oldest woman in Italy to become a mother.

The journey of Flavia, a record-breaking mother

The record birth of Flavia, 63 years old and resident in Camaiore, raises great debate on the ethics of in vitro fertilization in older women. She lives with her 93-year-old mother and has long wanted to become a mother. To make this dream come true, she underwent IVF treatment at a clinic in Kiev, Ukraine, eight months ago. The choice to travel to Ukraine was motivated by the absence of age limits for such procedures in that country.

Previous attempts and Flavia’s determination

It wasn’t Flavia’s first attempt: a previous treatment in Kiev in 2022 had unfortunately ended with a miscarriage at the fourteenth week of pregnancy. Despite this adverse event, Flavia did not give up and persevered in her desire to become a mother.

This time, the pregnancy came to term successfully, albeit with a premature birth at 31 weeks and 4 days, made necessary by some altered blood pressure values ​​and slight bleeding. The child, who he called Sebastian, was born weighing almost 2 kilos, is now in good condition in the premature ward. Flavia is ready to welcome her little one to her home as soon as she reaches the right weight.

Image source: The Nation

Her gynecologist, Andrea Marsili, told the newspaper La Nazione that Flaviashe wanted this child very badly and flew to Ukraine twice“. He then said that his patient he did everything independentlyand as a treating doctor he was “made known only after the fact“.

Pregnancy at an advanced age: the risks

Becoming a mother at a mature age involves some specific risks for both the woman and the child. For the woman there is an increased risk of gestational diabetes, hypertension and subsequent cesarean section. Complications such as placenta previa and placental abruption are possible during pregnancy.

For these reasons, per the child increases the probability of premature birth and having a low birth weight, as well as the slight increase in the risk of congenital malformations.

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It is important to emphasize that these are only the potential risks. Every pregnancy is different, and many mature women carry healthy pregnancies to term and give birth to healthy babies.

Late pregnancy, assisted fertilization and ethical aspects

Flavia’s birth has evidently reignited the debate onethics of in vitro fertilization in older women. ISTAT data are now clear: in addition to very low birth rates, women are also becoming mothers later and later: in Italy the average age of childbirth for Italian mothers is around 32.4 years.

In addition to medical risks, late pregnancy can also pose some psychological and social challenges for the child. The age difference with the parents, in the specific case of the mother, could have repercussions on the child. But It is important to point out that not all children born to mature mothers will have these problems. With the right support from parents and family, most children are able to grow and develop healthily and happily.

The decision to have a child at a mature age is a personal decision that must be made with care and awareness of the potential risks and benefits. It is important to talk to your doctor to assess your individual risks and to receive the right support during pregnancy and after giving birth.

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