Municipality of Quartu Sant’Elena – The skater Davide Timpanari received and honored by Milia for his victory at the 2024 World Championships

Municipality of Quartu Sant’Elena – The skater Davide Timpanari received and honored by Milia for his victory at the 2024 World Championships
Municipality of Quartu Sant’Elena – The skater Davide Timpanari received and honored by Milia for his victory at the 2024 World Championships

Another budding champion, another laurel that honors not only those who conquered it but the entire city of Quartu. Davide Timpanari took the gold medal at the 2024 World Cup of figure skating which had just taken place in Trieste, Mayor Milia wanted to receive him in his municipal offices and pay homage to the great result.

The 16-year-old Davide Timpanari, from Quarto and enrolled at the Primo Levi Tourist High School, has been practicing the discipline for 8 years now. He immediately embraced the project of the Flamingo Skating Club asd of Quartu, the company founded by Pierluca Tocco, already vice world champion in 2009 and now at the helm of a partnership capable of involving and exciting over 300 kids of various ages.

Trained by Tocco himself and Giulia Steri, Timpanari took the limelight of international figure skating already in 2023 by winning the gold medal at the European Cup in Croatia and did an encore at the World Cup 2024, in Friuli Venezia Giulia last month of May, in the Jeunesse category, dance only specialty, thus becoming one of the most promising athletes for the present and future of the FISR.

Davide has already obtained access to the Italian championships, scheduled for July in Ponte di Legno, which will be decisive for future call-ups to the national team. In fact, another edition of the European Championships will be held in Portugal in August: the skater from Quarto absolutely wants to be there. And one goal leads to another: “My final goal, my dream is to get on the top step of the podium in the World Championship, among the greats… to be able to be number 1 overall, but I am aware that the road is long and many sacrifices and a lot of training are necessary”.

The Mayor received Timpanari, together with his coaches and his mother, to personally congratulate him: “You have achieved a great result, and this does you credit. I hope you continue on the path you have set out, because sport is an excellent training ground for life, it teaches us to be in society and stimulates us to give our best to achieve our goals”then recommending to continue “to put the same enthusiasm and passion into studying too”.

On the occasion, as is now tradition, Milia gave Davide the pin of the Quattro Mori surrounded by green, i.e. the flag of Sardinia which ‘marries’ the colors of Quartu. A lucky charm to proudly carry beyond the island’s borders.

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06/06/2024, 12:40

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