Open for you under the stars, in Cremona visits to S. Maria Maddalena and the Trinity

From 21 to 23 June, beauty is for everyone thanks to the Italian Touring Club with “Open for you under the stars”: a large widespread celebration, on the occasion of the 130 years of the Italian Touring Club, with visits to places exceptionally open for the occasion , so as to allow everyone to know and admire small and large treasures of our country. Churches, palaces, monuments and archaeological areas will see extraordinary and evening openings to tell stories, reveal spaces not normally accessible, rediscover places and details in suggestive environments, until sunset… and waiting for the stars. In Cremona the rich schedule of events runs from Friday 21st to Sunday 23rd June, also involving some of the city’s churches.

Saturday 22 June from 9.30 to 12.30 appointment in the church of the Holy Trinity (via Speciano) which contains the relics of San Gregorio and a late Renaissance environment, with extensive traces of a rich fifteenth-century frescoed decorative complex and a heritage of wooden works and paintings by Cremonese artists of the 17th and 18th centuries.

Sunday 23rd from 9.30am to 12.30pm and from 3pm to 6pm church of Santa Maria Maddalena (via Realdo Colombo) which blends Renaissance elements with late Gothic features, creating a unique and evocative environment. On this occasion it will also be possible to admire the beautiful recently restored fifteenth-century crucifix.

In the Cremona CathedralHowever, on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd from 12.30pm to 3pm it will be possible to discover the interior, a true feast for the eyes, enriched by the Gothic, Renaissance, Mannerist and Baroque reworkings that have been added to the original Romanesque structure. Access to these three places is without reservation.

The other events in Cremona, with a special and extraordinary opening from 4pm to 6pm on Friday 21 June, will allow you to get to know the Historical Archive of the Chamber of Commerce accompanied by an exceptional guide: Valeria Leoni, director of the State Archives of Cremona. Together with her you will be able to discover documents and testimonies of the ancient artisan and mercantile guilds of the city such as the oldest preserved code, containing the statutes drawn up in 1388 under the lordship of Gian Galeazzo Visconti. The visit will continue in the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce Palace with the art expert Roberta Raimondi with the paintings of the Cremona Prize, an exhibition that offers an interesting perspective on the relationship between art and politics during the fascist regime. At the end, it will also be possible to visit the Roman Strada Basolata with the Touring volunteers, a place Open for You. Participation in this event is by reservation, with a donation to the Italian Touring Club; booking methods and all programs are on

With the Aperti per Voi project, the Italian Touring Club has been committed since 2005 – thanks also to its volunteers – to taking care of assets of exceptional value, guaranteeing the continuous welcome of visitors and informative orientation activities in places of art and culture . In 19 years, over 23 million visitors have been welcomed; today there are over 1600 volunteers active in more than 80 places in 34 cities in 14 Italian regions.

TeleRadio Cremona Cittanova

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