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Umbria, rush to hire nurses and doctors

In Umbria there is a rush to hire doctors and nurses, even on a temporary basis, to fill the too many serious gaps in the regional healthcare system, which currently consists of 11 thousand units. After the green light from the Region which estimated the three-year requirement for healthcare personnel for the three-year period 2024-2026, the four hospital companies and the two healthcare companies are trying to hire through stabilization, rankings kept open and competitions certified beyond a year and a half let them open now at the permanent place.

Nurses and doctors wanted, pensioners are also called

Recruitment rush in Umbria to fill the shortage of healthcare personnel.

872 units are needed. The hiring forecasts for the two healthcare companies are 872, of which 230 for Local Health Authority 1 of Perugina and 164 for Local Health Authority 2 which covers Foligno. Spoleto, Valnerina and Ternano.

A larger share, 317 units, will be assigned to the Santa Maria della Misericordia company in Perugia. At Santa Maria di Terni, the reinforcements of 164 units will also be used to cover 39 medical managers and 21 nurses.

The need is so important that Umbrian healthcare facilities are also going on the hunt retired doctors. The situation is critical. The staffing shortage is expected to worsen, considering that over the next nine years they will go pension for 3 thousand nurses173 general practitioners and 50 emergency doctors.

While waiting for the recruitment related to the procedure to be concluded voluntary corporate mobilitya circular from the general director Nicola Nardella of ASL 1 has ordered the fixed-term hiring of 25 nurses to be deployed between hospitals and local services.

Since there is no open company ranking, hiring will be proposed among those who ranked between 216th and 256th place in the maxi competition managed by the Perugia hospital.

ASL 1 is also looking for retired doctors to cover the shortages in clinics and hospitals. To this end, it has launched a call for expressions of interest, open until the end of the year, to entrust freelance professional roles in the various company structures to exclusively retired doctors, specialized in 21 disciplines.

ASL 2 has published a public notice for qualifications only, expiring at the end of the year, for possible fixed-term hires to be allocated to the Foligno hospital for medical director positions in cardiology, medical area and medical specialties.

The Perugia hospital has called 19 social health workers into service on a permanent basis. The Santa Maria della Misericordia hospital has also published a notice for a head doctor to direct the nephrology department for five years.

It is also looking for two temporary doctors for neonatal medicine to replace two maternity doctors and two doctors in microbiology. The deadlines for the competition for an analytical chemistry doctor are also reopened. Finally, two radiodiagnostics and radiology doctors are hired on a permanent basis, from a ranking from last December, and two anesthesia and resuscitation doctors.

Meanwhile, the waiting list front is reopening with the CGIL and UIL unions returning to the attack, announcing their intention to resume and intensify the mobilization of pensioners on the elderly people’s dispute regarding public health.

Despite the multiple requests made to the Umbria Region regarding local medicine, community homes, waiting lists and non-self-sufficiency, there is still a lack of concrete responses and tangible signs of progress from regional politicsthe union secretariats write in a note, making it known that there is still a lack of clear reporting on the activities carried out and the results of reducing the lists.

The critical issues highlighted persist, especially regarding chronicity and non-self-sufficiencythey denounce, also underlining that there are few certainties even on the times and projects for the construction of the new healthcare facilities to be built in Narni, Amelia and Terni.

We need to bring the condition, needs and requirements of elderly people in Umbria back into the spotlightconclude by anticipating that various territorial initiatives will be implemented to obtain adequate responses.

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