«I’m sorry about the playoffs, a 2nd place and an Italian Cup final are not a failure»

«I’m sorry about the playoffs, a 2nd place and an Italian Cup final are not a failure»
«I’m sorry about the playoffs, a 2nd place and an Italian Cup final are not a failure»

Silence broken, one might say finally. While waiting for a discussion with the press, after a few days of break to get over the strong disappointment of the elimination of Padova in the Quarter Finals of the Playoffs, the sporting director Massimiliano Mirabelli returns to the championship just concluded for the Padua team and does so through some statements released to corporate information bodies. He leaves with the enormous regret for not reaching Serie B: «Clearly I am very disappointed that we were not able to realize the dream and objective of all of us, the Serie B. We gave our all during the year, both of us of the technical staff, first and foremost the team that always gave its all throughout the season. Without forgetting the company that put me in the best conditions to try to achieve the goal. I think the team played an excellent championship, because a second place in the regular season and an Italian Cup final, in my opinion, cannot be seen as a failure.”

The sporting director continues his analysis, recognizing how the team, in some key situations, was unable to perform and convince: «Unfortunately, however, we were lacking in the decisive matches and therefore were unable to achieve promotion to Serie B. We did a change of coach with 3 days to go, definitely taking a risk. We didn’t do it due to internal disagreements, but because with the team in decline we didn’t want to leave any stone unturned to try to make it happen. Unfortunately, we didn’t succeed. I am deeply sorry for it and I take total responsibility for it, aware that we had an entire city that cheered for us and wanted us to win the playoffs.”

After a look at the past, the Paduan director already has a great desire to start again: «It took me days to recover from the disappointment. But now for my part I am ready and motivated to start again and try to do everything I can for Padova for next season.
First it will take a few days of discussion with the company’s top management to fully analyze the past season and define the strategies for the future to fight in pursuit of the same objective as this year.”

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