The restriction of cultural interest from Piazza Duomo to Corso di Crotone has been approved

The restriction of cultural interest from Piazza Duomo to Corso di Crotone has been approved
The restriction of cultural interest from Piazza Duomo to Corso di Crotone has been approved

CROTONE The Ministry of Culture gave the green light to decree with which the restriction of cultural interest from Piazza Duomo to Via Vittorio Veneto (and annexed areas) of Crotone. There Supervision archaeology, fine arts and landscape for the provinces of Catanzaro and Crotone, directed by Stefania Argentihad started the process last February.

It’s about the Decree number 168 of 3 June bearing the «direct protection of the areas falling within the urban direction of the new expansion of Crotone between the end of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century: Piazza Duomo, Via Monsignor Pietro Raimondi, Corso Vittorio Emanuele, Via Silvio Messinetti (formerly Via Vittoria), Piazza Pitagora (formerly Piazza Raffaele Lucente), Via Vittorio Veneto and cross streets and Piazza della Resistenza of the Municipality of Crotone».
The decree highlights «the cultural importance of the area included in the perimeter and the value of the new “living room” of the city of Crotone, which is significantly reflected in the compositional and material character of the horizontal surfaces, a lava pavement flooring for the supply of which workers from the Etna area were involved in the construction and construction, whose dating deduced from period postcards can be dated respectively to the early 1900s for Piazza Duomo and Corso Vittorio Emanuele, in the 1930s and 1940s for Piazza Pitagora and in the 1930s ’40 for via Vittorio Veneto with short connections on the side crossbars”.
«Also due to the intrinsic vulnerability of the historic urban landscape – explains the decree -, starting from the historic pavements, its most sensitive component already subject in the past and still potentially susceptible to incongruous transformations of different nature and extent, which may compromise its recognized testimonial and cultural value or distort its identity constitutes an extraordinary cultural heritage and is therefore worthy of protection from a historical, artistic, archaeological and ethno-anthropological profile”.

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