From Ivo Baccaglini the appeal for a useful vote for Polesine

From Ivo Baccaglini the appeal for a useful vote for Polesine
From Ivo Baccaglini the appeal for a useful vote for Polesine

BADIA POLESINE (Rovigo) – Ivo Baccaglini for Valeria Mantovan, and it couldn’t be otherwise: history and coherence prove it.

He participated in the birth of Fratelli d’Italia, he is an elected member of the party’s National Assembly, he was the first provincial coordinator of FdI in Polesine, he registered the young Valeria Mantovan and now, while “supporting all the candidates and their qualities ”, notes the difficult-to-repeat opportunity of a representative from Polesine in Brussels.

Ivo Baccaglini recalls that the role in the European Parliament will not be incompatible with the office of Mayor of Porto Viro for Mantovan and associates himself with the conviction of the ministers Lollobrigida first and foremost, but also Urso, as well as the president of the Senate La Russa, that the elections 2024 will be an unrepeatable opportunity for the representation of Polesine in Europe.

“Valeria Mantovan represents the possibility of bringing the Primary to the attention of Europe, the defense of agriculture in the province of Rovigo which sees fish and shellfish farming as a fundamental economic drive for the territory” declares Baccaglini.

“Being able to count on Mantovan at the European Parliament means having a privileged interlocutor for tourism, infrastructure and companies in the province of Rovigo”.

The only useful vote in the European elections, according to Baccaglini, is the one for Valeria Mantovan, for which he asks everyone, regardless of political beliefs, to express a preference in the Fratelli d’Italia list for the mayor of Porto Viro.

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