“Let’s give back to Italians the right to treatment in adequate time”

“We appreciate the effort made to date by Minister Orazio Schillaci in an attempt to overcome the enormous critical issues of the NHS and our opinion on the current and future measures, contained in the Legislative Decree and in the Bill, to combat the chronic problem of waiting is positive”, comments the national secretary of UGL Salute Gianluca Giuliano after today’s Council of Ministers.

“Although sailing on a boat always at the mercy of the waves – continues the trade unionist – due to the senseless policies of the cuts of previous governments which never hesitated to cut corners in healthcare to plug holes, the path to giving back to Italians the right to treatment in adequate time seems to have finally begun. Achieving the abolition of the spending cap for healthcare personnel in 2025, with the increase now from 10 to 15% for the Regions that request it, we believe is the way to go and represents an absolutely sensible act. Professionals are rewarded, with the expected 20% increase in hourly rates for additional services, and finally, as UGL Salute had repeatedly requested, a flat tax of 15% will be applied on overtime beyond the income of the individual operator . We are also convinced by the strategy to combat excesses in carrying out freelance professional activities to the detriment of those provided through the NHS. We are absolutely in favor of the use of specialists and the calling of professionals with self-employment contracts to strengthen the workforce and eradicate the use of token operators. All the useful tools, such as the performance monitoring platform, managed by Agenas to pay attention to the weight of supply and demand for services and the planned implementation of the cups, which will have to distribute the services between the NHS and the accredited private sector, will serve to give the citizens those answers that they have the right to have. We will always remain vigilant so that the path taken is followed in its entirety, always putting the dignity of the operators and the right of Italians to have quality care provided in the right time at the centre”, concludes Giuliano.


Sigismondi (Fdi): “The waiting list decree shows the determination of the Meloni government”

“The law decree for the reduction of waiting lists, strongly desired by the Minister of Health, Orazio Schillaci and approved today by the Council of Ministers, demonstrates the determination of the Meloni government in firmly addressing the problems that have afflicted healthcare for decades, penalizing the citizens. The main objective is to guarantee healthcare services at the right time. The decree provides for a set of actions that include procedures aimed at monitoring and controlling the management of waiting lists and the implementation of the booking system that includes services from both the public and private healthcare systems. One of the most significant innovations is the abolition of the spending cap for the hiring of healthcare personnel. This will allow doctors and operators to carry out services at additional times, including weekends, with the possibility of benefiting from reduced taxation. This change aims to significantly reduce waiting times and improve access to care for all citizens. The approval of this decree once again demonstrates the centrality of the healthcare sector for the Meloni government, which with constant commitment is building a truly efficient system that is close to the needs of Italians”. This was declared by Fratelli d’Italia senator Etelwardo Sigismondi.

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