He simulated the abandonment and discovery of a newborn baby, whose father died in Ragusa

The man who in 2020 simulated the abandonment and discovery of a newborn baby who a few hours earlier he had discovered was his son has died. Sentenced in first degree to 2 years in prison for child abandonment, he was awaiting his appeal at the end of the summer. The man had never recognized the child.

The story

The facts date back to November 4, 2020, when the man staged the discovery of the little boy in Ragusa. A child, according to the thesis of his defense, supported by the lawyer Michele Sbezzi, who was never actually abandoned. The man had been called by his ex-partner who had just given birth at home in Modica. Upon his arrival, she had entrusted the child to him, but instead of going to the Modica hospital, he returned to Ragusa, simulated abandonment and finding the child. A biased expert opinion claimed that the man had had irrational behavior, dictated by a temporary inability to understand and that the simulation of abandoning the newborn would have been caused by a psychological imbalance due to the stress of the sudden revelation that the newborn was his son, he had learned this from his ex-partner when she called him.


The dispute over the adoptability of the little one

The natural mother is currently on trial for child abandonment with ordinary proceedings before the single judge of the Court of Ragusa. That child is the protagonist, despite himself, of a legal dispute that pits the natural mother against the foster family, who has had that child in their arms since she was 20 days old. The little boy was rescued and transferred to the Giovanni Paolo II hospital in Ragusa. His umbilical cord was not clamped and, although he recovered quickly, he arrived at the hospital in life-threatening conditions. After about twenty days he was given up for adoption to a family outside the province. The natural mother of the child, through her lawyer, the lawyer Angelo Iemmolo, requested and obtained the annulment of the declaration of adoptability of the child on which the Court of Cassation ruled, “certifying” the error of the Juvenile Court of Catania which would not have verified whether that child had natural parents, also depriving them of the right to “repent”. The Juvenile Court of Catania, following the Court of Cassation, had established that the child should return to his natural mother by 2023, after a process of knowledge and support which, however, had not yet begun.

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