“Failure to hire leads to suffering”


Grosseto. Closures and reductions in services in view of the summer holidays are causing concern for trade unions. Because of this, CGIL and UIL jointly raise the alarm regarding the planning of healthcare activities in the summer period, which involves reductions in services and beds, to which it cannot be ruled out that department closures will also occur.

“Such reductions, even if motivated by the fact that they will allow staff to enjoy rest periods, could lead to a contraction of scheduled interventions and activities that have been taking place for some time in the summer period, with the displacement of nurses and other professionals among health areas – we read in a note from the unionsi –. Cgil and Uil put their finger on the real plague, namely the failure to plan hiring, for which the Emergency-Urgency service is primarily the one paying the price and activities in the departments. This situation leads to inconvenience for workers and negative repercussions on assistance, which should cover the health needs of tourists, in addition to those of the population residing throughout the province. With the peaks in tourist presences which are more evident especially on the coast, but which if you look carefully are widespread throughout the territory.

“In this context, the hiring forecast is absolutely insufficient to guarantee an adequate standard of services from a quantity and quality point of view. Things remaining like this, it will therefore be necessary to resort to overtime work and additional services to buffer the emergencies which are now structural and should be addressed with measures of an equally structural nature. – ends the statement -. A serious problem for which an institutional response is therefore needed, capable if not of eliminating, at least of stemming a situation that threatens to degenerate and whose consequences will be paid heavily by those who work and by users, who will see the level of health care”.

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