Turin, the ranking by expected points: the data on expected goals gives food for thought

Turin, the ranking by expected points: the data on expected goals gives food for thought
Turin, the ranking by expected points: the data on expected goals gives food for thought

Here is the Serie A ranking based on expected points

The 2023/2024 Serie A season has ended and Torino finished the championship in ninth place, coming close to qualifying for the European cups. The Granata team didn’t take advantage of some great opportunities to gain a lead over their rivals, losing a few too many points around. Today we analyze according to the expected points ranking whether Toro’s placement is deserved.

Expected point: Turin in line with what was achieved

In the Serie A ranking according to expected points – drawn up by understat.com – we don’t find any major upheavals, especially in the first part of the scoreboard. In fact, apart from Napoli, which earns fourth place in this special ranking, the remaining teams remain in the same order. Atalanta climbs to fifth place, Bologna to sixth and so on up to Toro, tenth rather than ninth. In fact, Juric’s gang earned money in line with what they produced. The the grenade’s expected points are 55.59, while those obtained are 53. In ninth place we find Fiorentina with 55.76 expected points, therefore 4 less than those obtained and then Lazio eighth, which in this special ranking has only 2 points more than the Granata (57.78). Torino is the only team together with Napoli and Juventus in the first part of the table to have won fewer points than expected. Despite this, the Granata would have lost a position in the standings, thus deserving a tenth place for what they produced in the championship.

Expected goals scored and conceded

As regards offensive production and goals conceded, we remember that Juric’s Torino finished with a difference of 0. 36 goals scored and 36 conceded, the result of a great defensive phase, but of an often sterile and predictable offensive phase. 36 goals scored are decidedly too few for a team that finished ninth in the table and was also aiming to reach a more important position. The expected goals are in fact 43, 7 more than the actual ones, while for the goals conceded the data is very similar to the real one, because Torino should have conceded 38 goals, only 2 more. Summing up, we can say that based on what they produced, Torino deserves a ninth place in the standings for the season played. But it is also true that the Granata would have been enough to maintain the expected goal expectations to collect those extra points needed to win a place in Europe.


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