The champion Alex Bassani visits Legnano baseball

During Monday’s training session, Baseball Legnano had the honor of hosting Alex Bassani, renowned pitcher for Fortitudo Bologna and the Italian national team.

The champion Alex Bassani visits Legnano baseball

This special event saw the enthusiastic participation of our young Under-18 talents and first team players, who were able to closely observe the techniques and training strategies of a top-level athlete.

Alex Bassani shared his experience and knowledge of the game with the kids, offering valuable advice and practical demonstrations. Our athletes thus had the unique opportunity to learn directly from one of the best active Italian players, drawing inspiration from his dedication and professionalism. During his visit, Alex also answered some questions in an exclusive interview, providing interesting insights into his journey and career.

How do you prepare mentally and physically for an important match?

“I’ve never made much distinction between important and non-important matches. I have my own gym routine, training and type of weekly training so that I get ready for the weekend to try to do the best I can.”

What advice would you give to young pitchers aspiring to play at a high level?

“Surely the first thing is to have consistency, all year round, always, spending as much time as possible on the field, clearly not only pitching but the fact of spending a lot of time on the field always gives you the opportunity to discover what you can do, experiment and creates a group among the kids”.

Can you describe a typical training day for you?

“Generally the pitchers start half an hour before the others so as to be available to the team for any defense training or even just to help in general and then stay on the field together with the others to recover the balls during BP. Usually , after we warm up, we pull between us, we do the appropriate work for the day then sprint or stretch.”

What are the qualities that a good pitcher must have, in your opinion?

“I believe that the most important quality in this sport, not only in throwing, is the desire to learn and listen to everyone and try everything. Surely there will always be something that adapts to one’s physique and mechanics”.

How do you handle pressure during critical moments of a match?

“Honestly, it’s a question I’ve never been able to answer. It often gives me a way to stay more focused but I honestly can’t say if or what I change.”

Who was your role model or mentor in the world of baseball?

“I was lucky enough to be born in the middle of it, my father is one of the founders of the Imola club so I grew up on the pitch. There have been many excellent coaches, starting with Francesco Lamanuzzi who raised me perhaps in the most important years (12 -16) giving me excellent foundations, largely completed by Luis Hernandez and Godo who taught me a lot about the thrower’s mentality. With Fabio Betto in recent years we have made some changes and improvements which are fundamental in a continually evolving sport “.

What is your main goal for the future of your career?

“It’s currently a period where the future is totally uncertain so I absolutely don’t know what to expect.”

Can you share with us any interesting anecdotes or experiences from your international career?

“There would be a thousand anecdotes like none… But seeing baseball outside of what you are used to always teaches a lot. Baseball is a sport but there are a thousand ways to play it and there is always something different or new to learn from anyone.”

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