The two new directors of the emergency room and the hospital pharmacy are on duty at Bonomo in Andria

The two new directors of the emergency room and the hospital pharmacy are on duty at Bonomo in Andria
The two new directors of the emergency room and the hospital pharmacy are on duty at Bonomo in Andria
The two new directors of the emergency room and the hospital pharmacy of the “Lorenzo Bonomo” have entered into service in recent days.

From 1 June 2024 he is Dr. Ernesto La Salvia is the new director of the Complex Operational Unit of Acceptance and Emergency Medicine and Surgery – Emergency Department of the Bonomo hospital in Andria.
After graduating in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Bari and specializing in Emergency Medicine and Territorial Emergency, Dr. La Salvia – who can boast a substantial activity as a teacher and speaker at medical-scientific conferences and congresses – has previously been a medical director at the 118 operations center in Foggia and at the Andria emergency room, then acting director of the emergency room of the Canosa di Puglia hospital and manager responsible for the same operational unit for the merger of the Canosa PS with that of Andria. Since May 2023 he was in charge of replacing the director of the UOC MCAU-Emergency room of Bonomo in Andria. An expert sonographer, he trained in E-FAST and POCUS in the Roman university environment – Policlinico Umberto I – deepening the ultrasound technique for the study of the lung.

Dr. Grazia Mingolla has been the new Director of the Bonomo Hospital Pharmacy Complex Operational Unit in Andria since 1 June.
Former director of the Hospital Pharmacy Unit of the ASST West Bergamo-Treviglio-Caravaggio hospital, Dr. Mingolla boasts long working experience as a managing pharmacist first at the IRCCS San Martino in Genoa in 2012, then at the San Severo hospital and at the territorial Pharmaceutical Area of ​​the ASL of Brindisi until 2022. Having graduated in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology at the University of Bari, she obtained a specialization in Hospital Pharmacy at the University of Rome. She is the author and co-author of numerous national and international scientific publications, as well as boasting an intense teaching activity at conferences and courses and university teaching with teaching of Pharmacology at the University of Bari.

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