Milan, Brassier is back in fashion: five months later, its sponsor is Fonseca

The time machine pointed to January 2024. Milan, like five months ago, are following Lilian Brassier, Brest’s central defender with a contract expiring in June 2025. As always in these cases, it is a potential deal: it can be taken with 10-12 million, not much for a player who won the Champions League on the pitch. What happened? The French central defender was Milan’s number 1 target in the first part of January, when Pioli was sure that he would have a central defender to strengthen the defence. Brassier would have willingly come to Italy but the negotiation went cold and Pioli only had Gabbia, who returned from Villarreal.

German competition

One group away, there is news: Paulo Fonseca, who will coach Milan, has just lost the sprint for the Champions League against Brassier’s Brest. He saw it up close and appreciated it. It’s normal for him to have spoken about it with Milan. So, can Brassier be the reinforcement in the middle? Possible, even if now the priorities are different. Above all, the attacker. However, Brest has decided to sell and obviously has requests and offers. Bologna moved early but now the favorite is Wolfsburg, who has moved decisively. Of course, for Brassier it would mean not playing the Champions League in Germany after having won it in France. Not the best. There is room for Milan to try.

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