“With Martin all in one night and a lower offer”: Rivola reveals the details of the Aprilia coup. And about Bezzecchi… – MOW

“With Martin all in one night and a lower offer”: Rivola reveals the details of the Aprilia coup. And about Bezzecchi… – MOW
“With Martin all in one night and a lower offer”: Rivola reveals the details of the Aprilia coup. And about Bezzecchi… – MOW

The help of Aleix Espargarò who started from afar and Martin’s courage to choose the project over the money. “For sure – said Rivola – our offer was not the highest in economic terms among all those he had”. The Aprilia CEO also spoke about Maverick Vinales, “we don’t force anyone to stay” and Marco Bezzecchi, “if it is on the market…”

NoIn motorbike racing it works like this: the opponent has a moment’s hesitation, perhaps goes a little wide, and the person chasing, letting go of the brakes for an instant, has just enough space to slip the wheel in and score the perfect overtaking. It’s like this for the riders on the track and, after what happened at Mugello, we can now say that it’s like this off the track too. Because the one Aprilia completed yesterday at 6pm was in all respects a perfect overtaking: Ducati trying to reorganize itself a moment after learning that Marc Marquez categorically refused the move to Pramac and Aprilia taking advantage of the space to secure Jorge Martin.

And now Maverick Vinales?

QThis is the journalistic reconstruction. How it really went and the contours of the entire operation, however, was told by Massimo Rivola, CEO of Aprilia, who yesterday, when it was now 7pm, appeared in front of the journalists still present at Mugello and made statements for over twenty minutes. But at MOW we are a bit strange and we want to start from the end. Because yesterday Massimo Rivola didn’t just tell everything, but he clearly explained that it might not end here. And that Aprilia could still be a protagonist on the market. When asked if with Martin’s arrival the possibility of seeing an Italian rider on the Noale bike definitively disappears, the manager responded thus: “We are waiting to understand what Maverick Vinales’ intentions are. I consider Maverick a top rider and with Martin he would be the strongest duo in the championship. But you can’t always have what you want. Today we were presented with the opportunity to sign Martín and we seized it with speed and determination: the fastest signing in history. So much so that there wasn’t time to talk about it face to face with Maverick and I’m a bit disappointed about this, but I reiterate that Vinales is a fixed point for us. For sure, however, we don’t want to force him if he intends to look around so as not to stay in Aprilia.” There is a real possibility that the Spaniard will choose to turn his heel, despite Rivola’s words of true appreciation. But in Noale it seems there is already an alternative to make the Aprilia market perfect: Marco Bezzecchi. “Marco Bezzecchi? If he were on the market I don’t see why not” – Rivola replied to those who asked him if there was still some possibility for the VR46 driver from Romagna.

The night of lawyers at work

Un passage, this one from Rivola’s declarations, which could anticipate the next news of the day. But the news of the day is and remains how we arrived at Jorge Martin. “It all happened in one night – the Aprilia CEO continued – I believe that yesterday’s race here at Mugello was very emotionally significant for Martin, after the crash on Saturday. Already in Barcelona we told ourselves to try in Aprilia and probably Aleix Espargarò, who is a good friend of Jorge, had talked to him about how much and how we work in Aprilia. After the Italian GP I thought it was time and I called Colaninno (owner of Piaggio, ed.) who gave me the green light. From there I spoke with Jorge, then our lawyers and his lawyers studied all the details of the contract. All in one night, in fact.”

The last gift of Captain Aleix Espargarò

SIt seems like an old motorcycling story, when negotiations were done in favor of the moon, between the narrow spaces of motorhomes and team trucks. “Certainly my movements pushed someone else to move faster – continued Rivola (with clear reference to Ducati, ed.) – We had set ourselves a limit to understand what Aleix wanted to do after the appointment here at Mugello, but Aleix he revealed his intentions in Barcelona, ​​because he wanted to announce his farewell to the track he considers home. The priority for us was to find a replacement for him and also thanks to him we managed to do it quickly and getting the best possible. As for Aleix’s future, I really wish him the best, right now the Japanese teams need an excellent test driver.”

Aprilia’s offer wasn’t the highest, but…

Rcontributions that remain excellent, therefore, no sense of betrayal and, above all, a lot of gratitude for what in some way was the Captain’s last gift to the brand with which he shared the last eight years in racing. “Certainly among all the offers that Jorge Martin had – concluded Rivola – ours, although very respectable and certainly not poor, was not the highest. He didn’t come with us for money and I saw him really happy with the choice he made. I honestly didn’t believe there was this possibility, but as soon as it was there we took it and seeing him so motivated is a joy and an honor. We spoke and he chose for the quality of the team and the work we are doing and which Aleix Espargaró has always spoken to him about. Aleix was happy and moved yesterday, he was very beautiful. I think Jorge has taken a big weight off his shoulders. Will he wear the number 1 on the fairing of our bike? I don’t know, it wouldn’t be bad, but in any case it’s what we’ll work together for.”

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