Earthquake in Pozzuoli, 1.9 magnitude shock in the Solfatara area – Flegrea Chronicle

Earthquake in Pozzuoli, 1.9 magnitude shock in the Solfatara area – Flegrea Chronicle
Earthquake in Pozzuoli, 1.9 magnitude shock in the Solfatara area – Flegrea Chronicle

POZZUOLI – The earth trembled again in Pozzuoli. The seismographs of the Vesuvian Observatory recorded a seismic event of magnitude 1.9 with the epicenter located in the Solfatara Volcano area. The earthquake occurred at 7:23 am local time, at a depth of 2.6 km. The earthquake was felt by the inhabitants of the area close to the epicenter. Meanwhile, in recent days, technical tables were organized at the same time at the Cocs of Pozzuoli, Bacoli and Naples and in the CCS of Naples where the staff involved in civil protection activities discussed how to improve response capacity in crisis or emergency situations. emergency. The mayors of Pozzuoli and Bacoli, the Director of Civil Protection of the Campania Region and representatives of the Municipality and Prefecture of Naples, as well as the National Fire Brigade and the Department were directly involved in this activity. The analysis concerned, in particular, the activities implemented by the support functions following the earthquake of 20 May: municipal planning and the organization of the territorial coordination centres; assistance to the population; the procedures for checks on public and private buildings and to guarantee teaching continuity in schools; information to the population; data management; traffic and escape routes; health aspects with particular regard to people with disabilities.

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