Partial (18-28, 20-13, 14-11, 20-18)

Shark drills: Jd Notae 19 (4/8, 2/9), Amar Alibegovic 17 (5/7, 1/4), Pierpaolo Marini 13 (1/2, 2/7), Chris Horton 6 (1/2, 0/0 ), Stefano Gentile 5 (1/1, 1/1), Marco Mollura 5 (0/0, 1/4), Joseph Yantchoue Mobio 4 (2/2, 0/0), Matteo Imbro 3 (0/0, 1/3), Fabio Mian 0 (0/0, 0/1), Rei Pullazi 0 (0/0, 0/0), Fabrizio Pugliatti 0 (0/0, 0/0)

Flats Service Bologna: Deshawn Freeman 19 (9/16, 0/2), Mark Ogden 16 (4/8, 1/5), Riccardo Bolpin 10 (1/4, 2/4), Matteo Fantinelli 7 (3/9, 0/3 ), Celis Taflaj 5 (1/2, 1/3), Alberto Conti 4 (0/0, 1/4), Alessandro Morgillo 4 (1/2, 0/0), Alessandro Panni 3 (0/1, 1 /2), Luigi Sergio 2 (1/3, 0/1), Marco Giuri 0 (0/0, 0/2), Vitalii Kuznetsov 0 (0/0, 0/0)

Trapani Shark, with a 1-0 lead in the series, will do everything they can to try to get to just 1 win from Serie A. Fortitudo Bologna, on the other hand, will certainly not be a spectator and will sell their life dearly. The absence of their technical leader Pietro Aradori will weigh on the F, while for the Sharks, after Notae’s monstrous performance in game 1, a sacrifice match will be needed in which everyone will be called upon to make their contribution.
1st Quarter: Coach Caja lines up Fantinelli, Conti, Bolpin, Ogden and Freeman in the quintet. Diana responds with Gentile, Notae, Mollura, Alibegovic and Horton. Ogden with the midrange jumper but Alibegovic responds with a dunk. Triple by Conti and dunk by Freeman (2-7). Mollura hits from beyond the arc but Freeman with the hook and Ogden from underneath force Diana to time out (5-11). Alibegovic hits 2 times from midrange. Bolpin interrupts the break with another bomb before Horton’s 2/2 on free throws. Freeman and Ogden make a 6-0 break. Horton makes 1 free. Bolpin again from outside before Marini’s 2/2 from the line. Freeman again from underneath before another 2/2 from the line by Marini. Bolpin with a 2+1 before Mobio’s basket: 18-28 at 10′.
2nd Quarter: The first basket is by Mobio. Conti scores 1 free throw before Notae’s 5 consecutive points. Ogden scores from beyond the arc before Morgillo’s 2 free throws (25-34). Notae hits a penetrating shot before Morgillo’s jump. Alibegovic makes it 3/4 from the line before Panni’s triple. Notae on the counterattack: time out for Caja. Marini scores 1 free. Gentile on the counterattack, Freeman from underneath and Gentile’s triple at the siren close the half at 38-41.
3rd Quarter: The first basket is by Freeman but Horton responds immediately. Ogden makes 3/3 from the line, Mollura and Alibegovic 3/4 from the same distance. Taflaj hits from beyond the arc. Horton makes 1 free. Sergio tap-in before Notae’s 5 consecutive points. Marini’s bomb gives Trapani the first lead: 52-51 with 2’09” left and time out for coach Caja. Freeman scores a free throw: 52-52 in the 30th minute.
4th Quarter: The first basket is by Freeman but Imbrò scores from beyond the arc. Fantinelli from the middle, penetration by Marini: 57-56 with 7’49” from the end, time out for Caja. Freeman from underneath before Fantinelli’s 2+1 and Ogden’s basket: 57-63 and time out for coach Diana. Alibegovic from below and triple from Marini. Fantinelli and Alibegovic score a tap-in (64-65). Triple by Notae. Back and forth between Notae and Taflaj. Ogden scores 2/2 on free throws: 69-69 with 49” left and time out for coach Diana. Notae goes 3/3 from the line with 10” left. Bolpin commits a breakthrough on Gentile. Bolpin makes 1 free throw: 72-70 the final.

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