“Without a nursery”, in Calabria and Southern Italy only 10% of children find a place in nursery school

“Without a nursery”, in Calabria and Southern Italy only 10% of children find a place in nursery school
“Without a nursery”, in Calabria and Southern Italy only 10% of children find a place in nursery school

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the analysis

An investigation by “La Stampa” highlights the territorial inequalities in Italy but also the distance of our country from European standards

Published on: 04/06/2024 – 7:40

CATANZARO In Italy only 30% of children under 3 years old find a place in nursery school and in some southern regions such as Calabria just 10%. This was highlighted by “La Stampa” in an investigation in which it highlights the distance of the country, and of the South in particular, from the 45% required by the European Union and from the levels of nations such as France and Spain, in which nursery services are well below above 50%, «In Italy however – writes La Stampa – not only are there a lack of places but strong territorial inequalities remain, which penalize the areas of Southern Italy. If in Sicily, Campania and Calabria there is barely 10% of nursery schools available for all children, in Lazio and above the percentage exceeds 20%. The exceptions are a few regions such as Piedmont and Trentino, with percentages slightly below the average in the North. Added to the regional differences are socio-economic ones because the scarcity of places benefits the wealthier classes, who can afford to pay for a private service.”

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