European Championships, Conte lashes Meloni in Bari: inconsistent and cowardly

Bari, 3 June. (askanews) – The day of the leader of the 5 Star Movement Giuseppe Conte ends – apart from the almost nocturnal appendage of the connection with Piazzapulita on La7 – in a theater in Bari for one of the last stops of the electoral tour “L’Italia che conta” . The war in Ukraine, weapons, the new European stability pact and the “inconsistencies” of the Government and Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni at the center of the theatrical initiative, in which Conte’s speech is accompanied by photos and newspaper headlines , sometimes interrupted by video clips, from dramatic ones of the fighting in Europe and massacres in the Middle East to those that re-propose old statements by the Prime Minister.

The hardest passage is on Gaza, after the images of the ordeal and destruction the star-studded leader recalls that “our government abstained three times at the United Nations on the ceasefire”, in his opinion a manifestation of “cowardice”. On Ukraine, the former prime minister reiterates the statements of Meloni, Mario Draghi and Enrico Letta, the predictions on the outcome of the conflict and the effects of the sanctions on Russia. Recalling a vote by the European Parliament on rearmament, Conte shows a slide that brings together those in favor (FdI, Lega, FI and Pd, European elections are held with proportional representation and do not know “alliances”) and the only opposite: the M5S. “The gun party accuses Conte – it knows no differences between right and left, it enlists all the political forces; almost all of them, we are here”. Same graphic scheme, with the Democratic Party in the same box as the majority forces, regarding the new European stability pact: the other abstentions, “only us against”, he comments. The focus returns to being exclusively on Meloni when it comes to banks and the rewritten rule on extra profits: “He said he couldn’t be blackmailed, the phone calls from two bankers were enough…”.

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