«In Bergamo more one-way streets to encourage cycle paths. Ballot, let’s not make commitments”

He was the first to be surprised by his candidacy. “I had expressed my willingness to run for the council, but then I found myself as a candidate for mayor and I asked the other militants: are you sure?”. Vittorio Apicella, 60 years old, professor of Psychology at Mamoli, challenger indicated by the 5 Star Movement for Palazzo Frizzoni, is gifted with a certain self-irony. «For us the objective is to confirm the councilor in the Municipality», he says, setting the bar. The continuation of the electoral duel between Andrea Pezzotta (centre-right) and Elena Carnevali (centre-left) until the run-off could actually depend on the result of the M5S.

You suddenly appeared in local politics, it’s not like many people knew you, not even in the M5S. How did she go?
«I have a long family tradition of political commitment in the province of Salerno. In the Municipality of Campagna my father and my uncle had important roles for the PSI and I myself was also a councilor when I was young. Then for many years, disappointed by bad politics, I stayed away from that world. I also once voted for Emma Bonino.”
And when will it arrive at the 5 Star Movement?
«When the Movement was born I observed it with a certain distrust. But then, little by little, I approached their proposals and felt that passion rekindle within me. I really liked Pizzarotti. I believe that the various phases of the 5 Star Movement can be explained by Grillo’s need to implement a communication strategy and get our messages across.”
Even the government with the League?
«I arrived in Bergamo in the early nineties and attended a Bossi rally in Piazza Vittorio Veneto. There I thought that the League really managed to attract workers, humble people, basically what the left once did. In reality I understood less when Grillo supported the Draghi government. And then in Bergamo I saw that, coming from the South, I immediately integrated. My wife is a doctor: at the beginning she encountered some mistrust in the lower part of the country, but then the people from Bergamo appreciate you and become fond of you when she understands your value. Now the Northern League members also invite us to dinner.”
Instead, why weren’t you able to ally yourself with the center-left in the city?
«There was an attempt, but the centrist and part of the Democratic Party’s veto weighed heavily. I don’t think of Gandi, rather of Gori, because who is in charge in Bergamo in the Democratic Party? Of course, he enlivened the city, especially in the center, somewhat on the model of Vincenzo De Luca, but he neglected the suburbs.”
What are the positive and negative aspects of these ten years of Gori?
«It attracted capital, but weakened services. Then, for example, there is the issue of the airport: citizens are asking us to reduce flights. We must find a way to limit noise, especially at night. We have to ask ourselves if it’s worth it because many tourists don’t stop in Bergamo or stay very little. I believe the real impact from the airport should be studied.”
Another theme of the campaign is mobility. What should the next mayor do about traffic?
«We are for the increase in ZTLs and cycle paths, even if not those marked on the road. The one-way streets should be increased in order to widen the cycle paths. And we are for the increase in local public transport with reduced season tickets for public employees, but also private ones in agreement with companies. They tell me that the municipality’s budget is healthy, so we need to find the resources for these initiatives.”
Are you convinced by the new traffic structure in the Upper Town with the car park in Via Fara?
«We have always been against it. Cars must stay outside the Città Alta and we must focus on public transport. But to be attractive, the Upper Town must be full of artisans, not franchises, betting on originality, as Positano does for example.”
When we talk about safety in the city, the problem of difficult and violent teenagers often comes up. From your perspective as a teacher, what’s behind it?
«There is a lot of demagoguery on this issue. Bergamo is neither Caivano nor Milan. Anyone who commits a crime must be punished, but we must ask ourselves why it happens: poverty, disorders, drug addiction can lead to self-harm or bullying in many children.”
Does it happen especially with the children of immigrants?
«Yes, they are poorly integrated families and the children risk being caught by baby gangs and organized crime to deal with drug dealing. The school does everything it can, but relationships with parents who often work so hard and know little about what their children are doing are also complicated. A mayor alone cannot address this problem, but an overall project is needed to help these families.”
At the local level, the M5S has always struggled a lot in administrative elections.
«We were born on the web and indeed when we met we didn’t recognize ourselves as militants. Now Conte is giving a territorial physiognomy to the Movement, my candidacy should be the first brick of this, if all goes well.”
In the event of a run-off, would you support Carnevali or Pezzotta?
«Definitely not Pezzotta because we are alternatives to the centre-right. For the rest we have to see how the first round goes. We certainly don’t ask for seats, but we focus on programs. We believe in healthy opposition. But I don’t like that Carnevali talks about perfect continuity with Gori: he should have distanced himself more.”
But did you participate in this festive atmosphere for Atalanta?
«Well let’s say that Atalanta is my second team. I really hoped he would win the cup.”
Yes, but which is the first team you support? Won’t it be Napoli?
“Well, don’t make me say it otherwise I’ll lose votes.”

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