The ports of Brindisi and Taranto together for the offshore technological supply chain

The ports of Brindisi and Taranto together for the offshore technological supply chain
The ports of Brindisi and Taranto together for the offshore technological supply chain

BRINDISI – “I thank the Minister of the Environment, Pichetto Fratin, for confirming today the centrality of the South in the government’s energy policies”. Thus the regional commissioner of Forza Italia, the Hon Mauro D’Attis, during today’s press conference in Taranto with the Minister of the Environment Gilberto Pichetto Fratin.

“This press conference – he adds – helps us to tell what we have done in recent months. First of all, the de-perimeterization of the Sin areas: there is an important commitment from the Minister who, since he took office, immediately put into action a regulation introduced with an amendment by Forza Italia, signed by Prestigiacomo-D’Attis, during the last legislature. For the first time since the birth of the Sin areas, the possibility of de-perimeterizing them has been introduced. Thanks to that rule and the Minister’s commitment, work is already underway today on both Taranto and Brindisi and the decrees have even already been signed for the latter city. This is a fact and has direct consequences: there are unpolluted areas which, in the absence of de-perimeterization, cannot be used. Therefore, it is an intervention of extraordinary importance for the growth of the territory. But not only that: in the offshore shipbuilding sector we have operated by opening up the possibility that two ports in different cities, Brindisi and Taranto, run together to present a single expression of interest for the creation of the offshore wind technological chain. And it is the first time – concluded D’Attis – that two Port Authorities work together to achieve such an important objective for the development of the territory. These are just some of the actions implemented in a few months and we have reason to be proud of our work.”

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