APPlitiamoci 6.0, the participatory process for the construction of an app promoted by Informagiovani continues

APPlitiamoci 6.0, the participatory process for the construction of an app promoted by Informagiovani continues
APPlitiamoci 6.0, the participatory process for the construction of an app promoted by Informagiovani continues

In November 2018 the Union of Romagna Faentina has reactivated the Service Youth information based in Faenza (via Bondiolo 1) entrusting its management to Libra And Research .

Among the activities foreseen by the Service (work, education, training, free time, volunteering, abroad, orientation) there was the creating an App, with and for young people, aimed at facilitating connections between girls, boys and Informagiovani.

During the 2018/19 school year thanks to the precious collaboration of the schools ITIP L. Bucci And ITI A. Oriani was accomplished an App in the Android environment involving 14 students from the two institutes.

In the 2019/20 school year the administration followed up the project by involving the two institutes again in the project implementation of the App previously carried out in the 2019/20 school year.

The project Let’s APPLY 2.0 it was proposed to review the Youth Information App, produced in the previous school year to improve its graphics and use and work on its dissemination.

In the 2020/21 school year the project was implemented again despite the organizational difficulties due to the pandemic, working with distinct groups between the two schools (one class for the Bucci school and an interclass group of students for the Orani institute. The APPlitiamoci 3.0 project saw the participants engaged in an activity APP reviewbut at the same time they also implemented it with new services as well geolocationto make the offer of activities for young people offered by the territory more accessible through collaboration with the Emotional Map project.

In the 2021/22 school year the APPliriamoci 4.0 project continued the activity of review and update of the App and experienced the transmigration of the app to the IOS environment.

In the 2022/23 school year the APPliriamoci 5.0 project carried out the activity of review and implementation and updating of the App Andd was involved in the review and implementation of the emotional map of the Municipality of Faenza and at regional level within the Emotional Map project financed by the Emilia Romagna Region

This year the 2023/24 edition took place usual review and update activity of the App and it was supported Table of the youth associations of the Municipality of Faenza in the design and construction of one static page presenting the Table and of a shared calendar which collects events and activities aimed at young people organized by the various associations in the area.

Objectives of APPlitiamoci 6.0

  • Promotion of creativity and participation of young people in the implementation and further development of the APP previously created and dissemination of the services offered by the Youth Information Center of the Union of Romagna Faentina;
  • Creation of opportunities for personal and professional growth in participation in the co-construction of an APP by supporting industry experts in the laboratory process.
  • The path can be recognized as a PCTO experience.

The recipients of the APPlitiamoci 6.0 project:

Adolescents aged 16-19 attending the 3rd ASIA IT course of the ITCG A. Oriani of Faenza

Promoter: Union of Romagna Faentina

Implementing subject: Informagiovani (LibrAzione)

Conductors: Facilitator of the working group, the teachers Nadia Valentini and Irene Tassinari of the ITCG A. Oriani assisted by the IT staff of Cimatti Consulting

The phases of the journey

  • Promotion of the project in schools and collection of memberships;
  • Training of the teachers who will follow the path with the students with an IT expert;
  • Training of the work group/class;
  • App review activity in progress.
  • Design of new services to implement the app with the support of teachers and an IT expert: functional analysis, development and testing activities of the app;
  • Design of a static page commissioned by the Youth Associations of the Municipality of Faenza and of a shared calendar
  • Public event to present the app
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