The third edition of ‘Piazze dei Libri’ arrives in the city neighborhoods

The third edition of ‘Piazze dei Libri’ arrives in the city neighborhoods
The third edition of ‘Piazze dei Libri’ arrives in the city neighborhoods

Five evenings, over 60 events in 8 squares distributed across the five neighborhoods of Florence

Five evenings, over 60 events including presentations, readings, workshops for children spread across 8 squares, not only in the historic center but in all five neighborhoods of Florence. The third edition of. starts on Tuesday 11 June “Book Squares – Words in common”, organized by Confartigianato Imprese Florence.

Five squares were involved in the first evening: Santa Maria Novella, Repubblica, piazza Strozzi, via de’ Cerretani and piazza delle Cure. “A widespread and decentralized book event”, underlined the President of Confartigianato Firenze this morning at the press conference Serena Vavolo who remembered “the great work done for the diffusion of culture, with Piazze dei Libri and with Firenze Books which will reach its fourth edition in October”.

There are 13 bookstores involved, both independent and chain: Alfani, Farollo e Falpalà, Feltrinelli, Florida, Gioberti (Libreria Lagioberti Km0, Libreria La Gioberti, Libreria Gioberti), Giunti Odeon, Jane and Edward, Leggeggermente, Libraccio, Malaparte, Polistampa. “We have built a perfect synergy. The bookshops – he noted Damn – they are businesses with a strong social value. They are all a staple in our neighborhoods and districts and each of us is fond of ‘his’ bookshop. Confartigianato – added the president – ​​contributes, as every year, to the success of the Fiorentina Estate and in creating the Piazza di Libri we reconnect with the great all-Florentine tradition of grassroots and artisan publishing and of the independent bookshops which however have made history . It is the artisan dimension of culture that we want to protect.”

“A Florentine summer that opens in the name of culture and reading with the third edition of Piazze dei Libri – said the deputy mayor and councilor for culture Alessia Bettini –. An initiative that confirms the common commitment to spreading the power of books as a tool for growth and social comparison, but also the firm desire to bring culture to all citizens in every corner of the city and to support and enhance the enormous heritage represented from Florentine bookshops, real social centers increasingly capable of creating opportunities for meeting and exchange, as well as cultural enrichment”.

Precisely because squares are a meeting place, there is one variety of genres and authors. Wednesday 12 La pita dei wolves (Mondadori) by Ben Pastor in SMN at 9pm. Thursday 13 June at 7pm in Piazza Elia dalla Costa there is Bella prof (Edizioni Erasmo) by Paolo Boschi, while at 9pm in Dalmatia there is space for Tangerin (E /O) by Emanuela Anechoum. Friday 14th at 9pm in SMN Benedetta Tobagi presents The massacres are all a mystery (Laterza); again on Friday 14th at 9pm in Piazza dell’Isolotto there is Nicoletta Verna with I giorni di Vetro (Einaudi); Saturday 15th in via de ‘Cerretani 9pm Carlotta Vagnoli and her Nocturnal animals (Einaudi); On Wednesday 13th in Piazza Dalmazia, however, there will be an opportunity to discover the all-Florentine publishing house, Clichy. This year it is also expected “Florence reading in the Piazza dei Libri – The Book Party is in the city”: it will involve taking your book to the streets, sitting down to read in silence for the first half hour and for the next half hour anyone who wants can make a small intervention on their reading (a short comment, reading aloud of a page, starting at 6:00 pm). And since Florence will be a stage, a cycle of events will also focus on the “French-Florentine” Tour de France.

“Book Squares” it is a project of Confartigianato Imprese Florenceco-financed by the Municipality of Florence, as part of the Florentine Summer 2024 – an initiative proposed in the Operational Plan of the City of Florence.

Full program here

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