prefect requisitions private wells – lasiciliaweb

AGRIGENTO – “I am trying to do everything in my power, including the adoption of measures aimed at requisitioning private wells to make available to the community”. Filippo Romano, prefect of Agrigento, is facing the serious water crisis in the entire territory, managed with increasing difficulty by Aica, the public company that brings together the municipalities of the province. The government representative also announced that he had asked the Sicilian Region to authorize industrial activities, where possible, to reuse their processing water, diverting the drinking water intended for them to families.

The situation is also increasingly difficult in Sciacca, the second municipality in the province, which despite having several regularly active springs, all within the municipal territory, is still suffering from a serious water crisis, having to make the water from its wells available to other municipalities too . The strike, underway for a week, by private companies supplying water through tankers, who complain about the reduction in availability of water from the Sovareto tank intended for them, fits into this already complex picture.

The stop to this replacement service prevents us from bridging the gap between residential buildings, which although with difficulty manage to accumulate the water necessary for their needs, and other buildings (including hotels, residences, bars and restaurants) which instead are unable to to do it. On Wednesday evening in Sciacca there will be a session of the City Council open to citizens and owners of productive activities. Mayor Fabio Termine was asked for a civil protection measure, which would provide for the activation of an emergency service through urgent supplies of water to try to alleviate the inconvenience of the population and economic activities.

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