Postman, farmer, friend: goodbye to Guido Chiavarini

Bar of The death of Guido Chiavarini, 74 years old, has caused widespread condolences, and his funeral will take place today at 2.30 pm in the parish church of Bardi.

Family tradition”
Grandson and son of postmen, he had carried out the same job until about ten years ago and then dedicated himself entirely to his passion, the land. In just twenty-one days in hospital he finished his run before his mother Delfina Volpi, who turned 101 last year and, not informed of what had happened, lives in her house in Saliceto.

Like a father
After the premature death of his father Giuseppe in 1969, Guido – born in Pietrarada on 21 September 1949 – had been a great support for his mother and had played a paternal role towards his brother Aldo and sister Alma, who were still teenagers. «My mother only let me go dancing if Guido was with me», Alma remembers. In 1976 Chiavarini married Ave Pini di Casanova, and from their marriage Mauro and Valerio were born.

The family
The love for the family of origin and for the new nucleus, which expanded with the arrival of the grandchildren Matteo and Greta, Valerio’s children, coexisted with the dedication towards friends and fellow farmers, the service as a volunteer and driver for the public assistance Blue Cross and his commitment as a donor – awarded with the gold medal – to the Avis section of Bardi of which he was one of the founders.
Black feathers
A sympathy linked him to the black feathers: despite not having served in the military, he felt deeply Alpine like his son Mauro who is responsible for the Bardi Alpine Group. Guido Chiavarini was a characteristic and beloved presence. He could be seen driving around with his off-road vehicle and tractor, or standing at the bar counter chatting. He had trained to socialize in the hamlets, continuing that ancient custom whereby the postman not only delivered correspondence, but also delivered medicines and foodstuffs that families “ordered” from him. «The best ones leave first – comments his saddened friend Toni Basini from the Grande Bar -. We had in common the hobby of working the land, planting some wheat, cutting wood. Simple things that are missing, but above all it is the characters that are missing. Guido was a gentle giant, someone who never bothered anyone and left before the others. This makes you a little angry. He never cared. It was the first time he had seen a doctor in his lifetime.”

«Generous and authentic»
Alma Chiavarini remembers her brother as «a generous and authentic person. If he didn’t agree with something he told you frankly. When I told him that he had to take care of his health he would shield himself by answering “do you want a slap?” Such was the confidence and goodness between us. He had a penchant for mathematics. He remembered names and surnames and knew the license plates of the cars by heart. It would have been very difficult for him to undergo heavy therapies. He was spared suffering. It’s the only thing that consoles me about losing him.”

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