The White Night of the Churches in Perugia

The White Night of the Churches in Perugia
The White Night of the Churches in Perugia

The White Night of the Churches in Perugia
#Find me!

Saturday 8 June 2024
from 8.00pm to 11.30pm
Free entry to places of worship:
Cathedral of San Lorenzo, Church of Sant’Agata
Church of Santa Maria Nuova, Church of the Company of Death

One night, that of Saturday 8 June dedicated to the places of worship in Perugia. Perugia joins for the second time, the ninth Italian edition of the Long Night of the Churches which will have the key word and hashtag as its theme #Find me!.

The Frammenti association in collaboration with the Archdiocese of Perugia-Città della Pieve and with Isola di San Lorenzo participates with the evening opening to the public with guided tours, from 8.00 pm to 11.30 pm of the following churches:

– Cathedral of San Lorenzo: designed in the fourteenth century as an extension of a previous church, it took on its current form in the fifteenth century. Inside there are precious works of art such as the Deposition from the Cross by Federico Barocci, the Madonna delle Grazie by Giannicola di Paolo and the Gonfalone by Berto di Giovanni.

– Church of Sant’Agata: it still retains its original fourteenth-century architectural appearance and inside there are important frescoes from the Umbrian school (14th century), including the “Crucifixion” on the back wall, attributed to the Master of Paciano. Among the frescoes there is a rare depiction of the “three-faced Trinity” with three faces of Christ, similar to that of the fresco on the facade of San Pietro in Perugia (14th century).

– Church of Santa Maria Nuova: rebuilt almost entirely in 1568, it took the name of Nuova, due to the arrival of the Servite Fathers, coming from the church of S. Maria dei Servi, on Colle Landone, demolished to make way for the Rocca Paolina. Inside there is the banner of Benedetto Bonfigli (1471), the seventeenth-century altar of the Company of the “Ultramontani” and a grandiose organ on the counter-façade from 1584.

– Church of the Company of Death: built starting in 1575 by the brotherhood of the same name, born to give a worthy burial to those who died in conditions of poverty. Inside the Oratory there is a panel depicting the Pietà by the Perugian painter Sinibaldo Ibi.

An important event, organized by the Frammenti Association, which actively collaborates in initiatives for the custody, protection and enhancement of the Diocese’s places of worship. The volunteers will welcome visitors by accompanying them to discover the churches of the historic center of Perugia. The staff has been specially trained with a specific training course, which took place in recent months.

by RitaPaltracca

The event in its second year of life together with the Frammenti Association in collaboration with Isola San Lorenzo organizes a training course for cultural heritage volunteers; the previous edition had concerned the places where Perugino’s works are preserved in the diocesan territory on the occasion of the five hundredth anniversary of the artist’s death.

For the occasion, a photograph taken by will be exhibited in each of the churches Marco Nicolini within the project ‘Sensitive spaces…three‘.

For information: Associazione Frammenti, tel. 366.3908721 | [email protected]

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