Sports supply chain, 723 active companies in the Marche region

Ancona.- There are 723 “sports companies” in the Marche region. According to the calculations of the Confartigianato Research Office, this is how many companies in our region make sport their main activity by manufacturing clothing, realizing articles and accessories, organizing activities and events, managing plants, creating courses. These companies employ 1,690 people.

Crafts represent 45.5% of businesses in the sector in particular sportswear, bicycles and sporting goods. A highly specialized sector.

“The artisan producers of sports equipment are a very important component of our Made in Italy – underlines Gilberto Gasparoni Secretary of Confartigianato Marche, for quality, innovation, customization and design.

From the artisan workshops come sophisticated ‘jewels’ to conquer world records, models for every type of competitive specialty, innovations for everyday use. A production chain – adds Gasparoni – famous in the world of which they are the protagonists small businesses that stand out for research and technology. The quality of the bicycles tailor-made by our craftsmen is known throughout the world.”

Italy is first in the EU for the number of non-electric bicycles exported, 1,685,581, with a share of 14.7% of the EU total. Furthermore, our country is second in Europe for total bicycles – non-electric and E-bikes – with a share of 12.1% of the EU total, equal to 1,860,095 units sold abroad.

The bicycle is at the center of more environmentally friendly mobility, with growing demand linked to the energy crisis, the spread of physical and sporting activity and tourism. Artisans are the protagonists in the bicycle production and repair chain, representing 61.5% of the companies active in the sector.

In Italy, according to Confartigianato data, 940 thousand people use bicycles for daily travel, of which 727 thousand to go to work and 213 thousand to go to school. The growing diffusion of E-bikes allows you to tackle longer and/or more challenging journeys

The propensity to practice sports (continuously or occasionally by the population aged 3 years and over) according to the calculations of the Confartigianato Marche Research Office on Istat data is 36.9% in Italy, 40.1% in the Marche region.

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