«Guys, you have to live in the gym, sooner or later the opportunity will come»

by Mattia Zanardo The Treviso basket star (and not only) experienced its Barba-day yesterday, June 2nd. James Harden, one of the most iconic figures in the NBA,…

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by Mattia Zanardo

The Treviso basket star (and not only) experienced its Barba-day yesterday, June 2nd. James Hardenone of the most iconic figures in the NBA, nicknamed “The Beard” (precisely beard) for the flowing honor of the chin, was the absolute star of Adidas Eurocamp in progress a The Ghirada. Where, as is easy to predict, it not only attracted the admiration of the participants, but also attracted dozens of very young fans, even from outside the province. «We know how many players who left this camp went on to have great careers in the NBA – explains Harden – And even in this case I saw so much potential, many kids who can aspire to make their way in the NBA. I found a nice place and an excellent organization. It was truly an exciting day.”

The 34-year-old guard, former MVP of the 2018 NBA regular season, three-time best scorer, two-time best assistman, ten appearances inAll Star game and future member ofHall of fame (not counting the gold at the 2012 Olympics and the 2014 World Championships with the US national team), he landed at City of sport at the gates of the capital shortly after 10.30: in the gym took part in the training sessions of the various groups of prospects invited to the exhibition, trying different game situations and giving various indications together with the event coaches. «For me, being a leader also means teaching kids something and try to help them achieve their goals -confirms- My advice to them and to all young players is simply to stay in the gym, I would almost say live in the gym. Continue working on your game. Why Sooner or later you will get an opportunity to become a professional, whether through Eurocamp or on some subsequent occasion. But if you’re not prepared, you don’t know what can happen.” The star of Los Angeles Clippers he was also the protagonist of a meeting with the boys and girls from the youth sector of Benetton Basket and the Pink Stars: approximately 130 excited mini basketball players – out of the 210 total of the green-and-white nursery – they took some photos together and received an autograph on his photograph. The strict security measures, however, did not allow the enthusiasm of the numerous budding fans (and some even less young ones) who waited for the American champion outside the gym to be signed as they deserved card with his effigy and which, then, in the afternoon, literally surrounded the room where Harden responded (with notable availability in this case) to questions from the media. Escorted by his staff, “Barba” immediately left on the minibus with tinted windows.


However, in his first arrival in Italy – as he himself reiterated – there was also space to appreciate the landscape and gastronomic beauties of the Marche: on Saturday evening, having arrived from the United States, JH treated himself to a short tour of the Prosecco hillshaving dinner at the restaurant the Valdobbiadene Ice Housewhile yesterday has had lunch in the center of Treviso, at Le Beccherie (who knows if he will have appreciated the tiramisu, invented in the historic restaurant). Returning to basketball, he states that he is convinced that the number and importance of European players across the Atlantic will continue to increase «because European basketball is growing a lot and is pushing American basketball to grow too: and This is a great thing for the NBA and for all of basketball». Supporting him yesterday was also another special guest from the Stars and Stripes championship, among other things his teammate at the Clippers, the Croatian center Ivica Zubac. And from Treviso there is also time for a tribute to Mike D’Antoni, unforgettable Benetton coachthen on the bench of the Houston Rockets in perhaps the best seasons of “The Beard”: «He is my favorite coach on a professional level -Harden smiles not surprisingly- He changed basketball, has a deep understanding of the game and is very good at everything he does».


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