two encounters between history and current events of revolutionary thoughts and practices

two encounters between history and current events of revolutionary thoughts and practices
two encounters between history and current events of revolutionary thoughts and practices

To the multifaceted and revolutionary figure of Franco Basagliathe greatest representative of Italian psychiatry of the twentieth century, two moments of reflection will be dedicated to the centenary of his birth Tuesday 4th and Thursday 13th. The two meetings take place in the conference room of the Chamber of Labour.

Ferrara was a pilot experience in Italy in overcoming mental asylums which was promoted in the 1970s by the provincial councilor Carmen Capatti together with Antonio Slavich. The double event is organized by Spi, CGIL, Ausl, Udi, Anpi, the ‘La Formica’ family association, the Gramsci Institute and the Udu university student union.

The conference is scheduled for Tuesday 4th from 9am ‘Freedom is therapeutic’ with a focus on Basaglia’s Trieste but also on Slavich and Capatti’s Ferrara and which sees Sandro Arnofi, Kevin Nicolini, Marco Turchi, Luigi Missiroli, Horacio Czertok and Stefano Cecconi among the speakers. Testimonies from former healthcare workers are also expected. On the same day, at 4 pm in the Green Room of the Chamber of Labor, the inauguration of Gian Butturini’s photographic exhibition is scheduled ‘You inside, I’m free’open until Sunday 16th. And at 5.30pm, in the conference room, the theatrical show will take place ‘Beyond the darkness: art is mental health’.

The second appointment has the title ‘Care is democracy’ and is scheduled for Thursday 13th starting again at 9am. The day will be dedicated to updating Franco Basaglia’s thoughts. Giovanna Del Giudice, Franca Emanuelli, Nico Landi and Chiara Zara will alternate. Also speaking are Elena Chiarini, Luciana Simani, Andrea Ferretti, Daniela Gerusalemmeri Mariantonietta Falduto, Michalis Traitsis and Marinella Melandri.

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