Many confirmations among Bernardi’s staff

Novara – After having formalized the renewal of the Italian coach Lorenzo Bernardi for another two seasons, Igor Volley has worked in recent weeks on the confirmation of a large part of its staff, after the excellent work carried out in the last year. Davide Baraldi, Lorenzo Bernardi’s deputy (and before that, going backwards, Stefano Lavarini and Massimo Barbolini) will still be in blue for the eighth consecutive season. Confirmed for the tenth season (of which nine as a scoutman) Mattia Gadda, as well as the athletic trainer Matteo Rossetti, in his third season at the club (of which two with the first team). Confirmation also for team manager Elena Colombo, who will continue her adventure alongside the Novara staff after the excellent work done last season, her first in blue.

However, Maurizio Mora (7 seasons for him with the club), Matteo Ingratta (11 seasons with the Azzurri, including one in the first team) and Michele Parusso (1 season in Novara) will not be part of the Novara staff for the new season. “We dedicate a heartfelt thank you to them for all the good they have done with us – explains general director Enrico Marchioni – and for the commitment and seriousness they show every day in and out of the gym. We wish them all the best for the rest of their careers, it will certainly be a pleasure to find themselves as opponents in front of the net in this case. In the next few days we will announce the figures who will complete the technical staff for next season. We are defining the final details, what I can say is that they will be very high level profiles“.

Finally, the first new face of the Azzurri technical staff arrives from Olbia: he is Stefano Cinelli, thirty years old and already with six years of experience in Serie A, as assistant coach (two in Baronissi, two in Talmassons and the last two in Olbia, where he also acted as an athletic trainer). Under the orders of Lorenzo Bernardi, he will have a multipurpose role: assistant coach, assistant athletic trainer and sparring partner. “In short, I am ready to give all-round support in what the gym activity is – says Cinelli – and I can’t wait to get started. I believe that getting to experience the A1 series is the dream and ambition of all those who do this job and having the opportunity and fortune to do so in a historic and renowned reality like Novara is a source of privilege and pride. I will work in a top-level staff, led by Lorenzo Bernardi who was a legend as a player and today an esteemed coach, who won a lot in the men’s game and who made the best of his career in the women’s game last year in Novara. There will be many ideas for me to grow, I will work every day to earn the trust I have received and make the most of this great opportunity: I am ready to put myself at the service of the team, staff and club.“.

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