Forza Italia closes the electoral campaign in Naples, Occhiuto’s appeal

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the event

The invitation of the Calabrian governor to the meeting on 6 June. «Important event, the party has chosen the South to close the campaign»

Published on: 02/06/2024 – 20:27

«Yet another intense day of electoral campaigning, I’m touring Calabria far and wide to take part in many electoral initiatives. I thank all the Calabrians who are participating and who sometimes give me useful suggestions for the government of the Region. However, on June 6th I inform you that there will be no Forza Italia initiative in Calabria because we all have to be in Naples at 5pm. The national party has chosen Naples, the South, to close the electoral campaign at a national level. See you all in Naples.” Thus in a video on social media the governor of the Calabria Region Roberto Occhiuto.


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