The ship with 84 migrants docked in Salerno

SALERNO, 02 JUN – The Geo Barents ship has docked in the port of Salerno with 84 people on board, i.e. 64 adults (two women), 20 minors including an accompanied small child and a girl under 17 years of age. The migrants, all in good health and coming from Syria, Eritrea, Egypt, Gambia, Guinea, Ethiopia, Senegal, Ghana, Mali, Sudan, Guinea-Bissau, were recovered in two international rescue operations. There are no critical situations reported. Approximately 38 people will remain in the province of Salerno, the rest will be transferred to Calabria. The migrants are currently still on board. “Today – explained the prefect of Salerno, Francesco Esposito – is a special day as it is Republic Day. Our Constitution attracts the founding values ​​of solidarity and solidarity is also expressed through these moments. The coincidence with June 2nd, the Republic Day, reminds us of this, we find ourselves in the presence of a community that has always responded well and has always made solidarity its flag and continues to do so because I see that there is great attention and a great spirit of commitment. hospitality. This is a source of pride for the entire territory of the province. Salerno is a reality that stands out for its ability to manage landings, reception and hospitality”. “For ten years now – reiterated the mayor of Salerno Vincenzo Napoli – our city has welcomed migrants in the numerous landings that have followed one another. We have always done so animated by a strong sense of solidarity. It is necessary that Italy does not close but create the conditions for greater integration in our contexts. We need a workforce and therefore we need precise rules, inclusive policies and tools for constant dialogue and active inclusion of our municipal administration The lives of these people, who have escaped war, violence and abuse, cannot always be left to fate. We need clear and defined paths supported not only at a local level but also and above all at a national level.” “In July – said the councilor for social policies of the Municipality of Salerno, Paola de Roberto – ten years will have passed since the first landing in the city. At the time the numbers were very high, there was even talk of two thousand people. Today they arrive in Salerno 84 migrants but the organizational machine and the desire to welcome them is always the same”. Today is the 34th landing (the second since the beginning of the year) but new arrivals cannot be ruled out. According to councilor de Roberto, in fact, “with the improvement of the weather, other ships could arrive. We will equip ourselves for the reception”.

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